ulinastatin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10359

Synonyms: Miraclid® | Ulinase® | Urinastatin®
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
ulinastatin is an approved drug (Japan, China)
Comment: Ulinastatin is considered to be a metabolite of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor (ITI) that is one of the cleavage products from the AMBP precursor protein [3]. Compared to full length ITI, ulinastatin lacks the carboxyterminal RFSN amino acids. Functionally ulinastatin is a protease inhibitor, that plays an important role in physiological and pathological processes, and has notable anti-inflammatory activity [1-2,6]. It can be purified from healthy human urine or produced using recombinant technology.
Species: Human
1. Cao C, Yin C, Chai Y, Jin H, Wang L, Shou S. (2018)
Ulinastatin mediates suppression of regulatory T cells through TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway in murine sepsis.
Int Immunopharmacol, 64: 411-423. [PMID:30261464]
2. Lagoo JY, D'Souza MC, Kartha A, Kutappa AM. (2018)
Role of Ulinastatin, a trypsin inhibitor, in severe acute pancreatitis in critical care setting: A retrospective analysis.
J Crit Care, 45: 27-32. [PMID:29413719]
3. Matsuno YK, Nakamura H, Kakehi K. (2006)
Comparative studies on the analysis of urinary trypsin inhibitor (ulinastatin) preparations.
Electrophoresis, 27 (12): 2486-94. [PMID:16786482]
4. Pan Y, Fang H, Lu F, Pan M, Chen F, Xiong P, Yao Y, Huang H. (2017)
Ulinastatin ameliorates tissue damage of severe acute pancreatitis through modulating regulatory T cells.
J Inflamm (Lond.), 14: 7. [PMID:28344516]
5. Pratt CW, Swaim MW, Pizzo SV. (1989)
Inflammatory cells degrade inter-alpha inhibitor to liberate urinary proteinase inhibitors.
J Leukoc Biol, 45 (1): 1-9. [PMID:2463321]
6. Wu J, Yan X, Jin G. (2019)
Ulinastatin protects rats from sepsis-induced acute lung injury by suppressing the JAK-STAT3 pathway.
J Cell Biochem, 120 (2): 2554-2559. [PMID:30242880]
7. Xu Q, Yan Q, Chen S. (2018)
Ulinastatin is effective in reducing mortality for critically ill patients with sepsis: a causal mediation analysis.
Sci Rep, 8 (1): 14360. [PMID:30254204]