cyclotide kalata B1   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13238

Comment: Kalata B1 is a cyclotide (plant-derived peptide with a head-to-tail cyclised backbone and a cystine knot core) produced in some plants (e.g. Carapichea ipecacuanha; source of ipecac root powder). Its structure confers stability against thermal and enzymatic degradation [1].
1. Colgrave ML, Craik DJ. (2004)
Thermal, chemical, and enzymatic stability of the cyclotide kalata B1: the importance of the cyclic cystine knot.
Biochemistry, 43 (20): 5965-75. [PMID:15147180]
2. Muratspahić E, Tomašević N, Nasrollahi-Shirazi S, Gattringer J, Emser FS, Freissmuth M, Gruber CW. (2021)
Plant-Derived Cyclotides Modulate κ-Opioid Receptor Signaling.
J Nat Prod, 84 (8): 2238-2248. [PMID:34308635]