eflapegrastim   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12180

Synonyms: eflapegrastim-xnst | HM-10460A | HM10460A | rolontis | Rolvedon® | SPI-2012 | SPI2012
Approved drug
eflapegrastim is an approved drug (FDA (2022))
Comment: Eflapegrastim (SPI-2012) is a long-acting, human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) recombinant peptide. Structurally it consists of a recombinant G-CSF (1-174) peptide monomer and an IgG4 Fc dimer, that are joined by a PEG-derived linker molecule. G-CSF stimulates neutrophil progenitor proliferation and differentiation, a molecular mechanism that is exploited to reduce the incidence and severity of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. The Fc fragment increases the drug's half-life (reduces clearance) and overall efficacy by improving uptake into the bone marrow via binding to Fc receptors on the endothelial cells [1].
Peptide Sequence Click here for help
Chemical Modification
Dimer (G-CSF-Fc) formed by monomers that are linked by a polyethylene glycol derivative.