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Target not currently curated in GtoImmuPdb

Target id: 195

Nomenclature: ADGRF4

Family: Adhesion Class GPCRs

Gene and Protein Information Click here for help
Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor
Species TM AA Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name Reference
Human 7 695 6p12.3 ADGRF4 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F4
Mouse 7 698 17 B3 Adgrf4 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F4
Rat 7 - 9q12 Adgrf4 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F4
Previous and Unofficial Names Click here for help
GPR115 (G protein-coupled receptor 115) | PGR18
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
GPCRdb agrf4_human (Hs), agrf4_mouse (Mm)
Other databases
ChEMBL Target
Ensembl Gene
Entrez Gene
Human Protein Atlas
RefSeq Nucleotide
RefSeq Protein
Endogenous agonists
Peptides derived from the ADGRF5 (GPR116) Stachel sequence: TSFSILMSPDSPD  [2]
Agonist Comments
Peptides derived from the ADGRF5 (GPR116) Stachel sequence (TSFSILMSPDSPD) agonist, have agonist activity at ADGRF4 [2].
Immuno Process Associations
Immuno Process:  Immune regulation
Immuno Process:  Immune system development
Primary Transduction Mechanisms Click here for help
Transducer Effector/Response
Gq/G11 family
References:  2,5
Tissue Distribution Click here for help
Unigene expression profile highest in mouth, heart, uterus, vascular.
Species:  Human
Unigene expression profile highest in skin, female genital, head and neck.
Species:  Mouse
Lung, heart, skin, kidney, testis, brain, ovaries, epididymis, thymus
Species:  Mouse
Technique:  RT-PCR
References:  7
Adgrf3 is expressed in mature ameloblasts.
Species:  Mouse
References:  1
Expression Datasets Click here for help

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Log average relative transcript abundance in mouse tissues measured by qPCR from Regard, J.B., Sato, I.T., and Coughlin, S.R. (2008). Anatomical profiling of G protein-coupled receptor expression. Cell, 135(3): 561-71. [PMID:18984166] [Raw data: website]

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Functional Assays Click here for help
Elevated levels of IP3
Species:  Human
Tissue:  293T cell line
Response measured:  Receptor causes constitutive activation of Gα15 G protein
References:  5
ADGRF3 couples to Gq proteins in COS-7 cells
Species:  Human
Tissue:  COS-7 cells.
Response measured:  Change in IP1 level.
References:  2
Physiological Consequences of Altering Gene Expression Click here for help
AdgrF3 deficiency results in hypo-mineralized enamel.
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  In vivo, dental epithelial cell ameloblasts.
References:  1
Physiological Consequences of Altering Gene Expression Comments
Gpr115 knockout mice do not show defects in development or fertility [7].
General Comments
ADGRF4 (formerly GPR115) is an orphan receptor that belongs to Family VI Adhesion-GPCRs together with ADGRF1-3, 5 and 6 [3]. The genes of Family VI Adhesion-GPCRs except ADGRF3 are syntenically clustered on human chromosome 6 and mouse chromosome 17 suggesting the evolution from an ancestral gene through gene duplication and exon shuffling [7].

Full coding sequence human cDNA is publicly available, IMAGE:8317335 [6] in mammalian expression vector pCDNA3.1.

Original gene prediction, AY140957 [4] incorrectly predicts the first two and last exons and includes two exons derived from the ADGRF2 gene. The predicted protein (Swiss-Prot ID: Q8IZF3) is longer than that predicted from the observed cDNAs. ADGRF2 is immediately upstream of the ADGRF4 gene.


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1. Chiba Y, Yoshizaki K, Saito K, Ikeuchi T, Iwamoto T, Rhodes C, Nakamura T, de Vega S, Morell RJ, Boger ET et al.. (2020) G protein-coupled receptor Gpr115 (Adgrf4) is required for enamel mineralization mediated by ameloblasts. J Biol Chem, 295 (45): 15328-15341. [PMID:32868297]

2. Demberg LM, Winkler J, Wilde C, Simon KU, Schön J, Rothemund S, Schöneberg T, Prömel S, Liebscher I. (2017) Activation of Adhesion G Protein-coupled Receptors: AGONIST SPECIFICITY OF STACHEL SEQUENCE-DERIVED PEPTIDES. J Biol Chem, 292 (11): 4383-4394. [PMID:28154189]

3. Fredriksson R, Gloriam DE, Höglund PJ, Lagerström MC, Schiöth HB. (2003) There exist at least 30 human G-protein-coupled receptors with long Ser/Thr-rich N-termini. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 301 (3): 725-34. [PMID:12565841]

4. Fredriksson R, Lagerström MC, Höglund PJ, Schiöth HB. (2002) Novel human G protein-coupled receptors with long N-terminals containing GPS domains and Ser/Thr-rich regions. FEBS Lett, 531 (3): 407-14. [PMID:12435584]

5. Gupte J, Swaminath G, Danao J, Tian H, Li Y, Wu X. (2012) Signaling property study of adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors. FEBS Lett, 586 (8): 1214-9. [PMID:22575658]

6. Lennon G, Auffray C, Polymeropoulos M, Soares MB. (1996) The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium: an integrated molecular analysis of genomes and their expression. Genomics, 33 (1): 151-2. [PMID:8617505]

7. Prömel S, Waller-Evans H, Dixon J, Zahn D, Colledge WH, Doran J, Carlton MB, Grosse J, Schöneberg T, Russ AP et al.. (2012) Characterization and functional study of a cluster of four highly conserved orphan adhesion-GPCR in mouse. Dev Dyn, 241 (10): 1591-602. [PMID:22837050]


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