sifalimumab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 8257

Synonyms: MDX-1103 | MEDI-545 | MEDI545
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Sifalimumab is a monoclonal antibody targeting interferon α1 (IFNA1), that was developed by the MedImmune subsidiary of AstraZeneca as a treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Development of sifalimumab was terminated and MedImmune concentrated on their alternative anti-IFNα agent anifrolumab.
Peptide sequence and structural information for this antibody are available from its IMGT/mAb-db record. Sequence BLAST using the heavy and light chain variable regions of sifalimumab provides 100% matches to sequences patented with application US7741449 [12]. The sequence matches identify sifalimumab as clone 13H5 in the patent.
Immunopharmacology Comments
Sifalimumab is a mAb targeting the IFN I response in autoimmune disease by directly neutralizing most circulating IFN-α subtypes.
Immunopharmacology Disease
Disease X-Refs Comment References
Systemic lupus erythematosus Disease Ontology: DOID:9074
OMIM: 152700
Orphanet: ORPHA536
Targets the dysregulated type I interferon system in SLE. Phase 2 clinical candidate with studies e.g. NCT00979654 and NCT01283139 completed, and showing positive outcomes. Development discontinued for SLE in 2015. 4,6