gremlin 1   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 11768

Comment: Gremlin 1 is a member of a family of proteins (the DAN family) that are peptide antagonists of TGF-β family bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) [4] including BMP2 and BMP4. DAN family members can also modulate Wnt and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signalling pathway activities. BMP/BMP antagonist interactions regulate developmental and normal cellular processes. In contrast, dysregulation of these interactions has been associated with pathological processes such as carcinogenesis and fibrosis. Gremlin 1 has emerged as a molecular target for the development of novel therapeutics for relevant conditions [1-3].
Species: Human
1. Ciuclan L, Sheppard K, Dong L, Sutton D, Duggan N, Hussey M, Simmons J, Morrell NW, Jarai G, Edwards M et al.. (2013)
Treatment with anti-gremlin 1 antibody ameliorates chronic hypoxia/SU5416-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in mice.
Am J Pathol, 183 (5): 1461-73. [PMID:24160323]
2. Dedi N, Twomey B, Wright MJ, Davies G, McMillan DJ. (2018)
Gremlin-1 crystal structure and inhibitory antibody.
Patent number: WO2018115017A2. Assignee: UCB Biopharma Sprl. Priority date: 19/12/2016. Publication date: 28/06/2018.
3. Economides A, Idone VJ, Morton LC. (2014)
Human antibodies to grem 1.
Patent number: WO2014159010A1. Assignee: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Priority date: 14/03/2013. Publication date: 02/10/2014.
4. Nolan K, Thompson TB. (2014)
The DAN family: modulators of TGF-β signaling and beyond.
Protein Sci, 23 (8): 999-1012. [PMID:24810382]