NX210   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13257

Synonyms: NX-210 | NX-210c | NX210c | SCO-spondin derived peptide NX210
Comment: NX210 is a synthetic dodecapeptide that was developed for neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties [3]. Its amino acid sequence is derived from the thrombospondin type 1 repeat of the neuronal differentiation protein subcommissural organ (SCO)-spondin [2]. Structurally the peptide can establish a cyclic formation through generation of an intrachain disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues (then referred to as NX210c).
1. Bourdès V, Dogterom P, Aleman A, Parmantier P, Colas D, Lemarchant S, Marie S, Chou T, Abd-Elaziz K, Godfrin Y. (2022)
Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Initial Pharmacodynamics of a Subcommissural Organ-Spondin-Derived Peptide: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Single Ascending Dose First-in-Human Study.
Neurol Ther, 11 (3): 1353-1374. [PMID:35779189]
2. Gobron S, Creveaux I, Meiniel R, Didier R, Herbet A, Bamdad M, El Bitar F, Dastugue B, Meiniel A. (2000)
Subcommissural organ/Reissner's fiber complex: characterization of SCO-spondin, a glycoprotein with potent activity on neurite outgrowth.
Glia, 32 (2): 177-91. [PMID:11008217]
3. Sakka L, Delétage N, Lalloué F, Duval A, Chazal J, Lemaire JJ, Meiniel A, Monnerie H, Gobron S. (2014)
SCO-spondin derived peptide NX210 induces neuroprotection in vitro and promotes fiber regrowth and functional recovery after spinal cord injury.
PLoS One, 9 (3): e93179. [PMID:24667843]