conestat alfa   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 7627

Synonyms: rhC1INH | Ruconest®
Approved drug
conestat alfa is an approved drug (EMA (2010), FDA (2014))
Comment: Conestat alfa is a recombinant analogue of the human C1 esterase inhibitor produced by recombinant DNA technology (in transgenic rabbits). The protein sequence of the enzyme peptide chain is identical to the endogenous human enzyme encoded by the SERPING1 gene (P05155) [1], but it lacks the 22 amino acid signal peptide.
Three nanofiltered/virus filtered, pasteurized, human plasma–derived C1 esterase inhibitor concentrates are already approved by international approval agencies; Berinert® (eMC link), Cetor® (available in the Netherlands and Turkey) and Cinryze® (EMA link).
Peptide Sequence Click here for help
Post-translational Modification
Heavily glycosylated, and forms two intramolecular di-sulphide bonds (see P05155 for sequence and modification positions).