trevogrumab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 8929

Synonyms: REGN-1033 | REGN1033 | SAR-391786 | SAR391786
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Trevogrumab is a fully human moncolonal antibody, being investigated for its potential to treat diseases/disorders which are ameliorated or improved by inhibition of myostatin (a.k.a. GDF8).
Peptide sequences and structural information for this antibody are available from its IMGT/mAb-DB record.
BLAST peptide searches of patented peptide sequences reveals exact matches between the heavy chain variable region (HCVR) and the light chain variable region (LCVR) of trevogrumab with sequences 360 and 368 respectively, from patent US8840894 B2 [3].
No information available.
Summary of Clinical Use Click here for help
Trevogrumab (REGN1033) has completed Phase 2 clinical trial as a single agent therapy in patients with sarcopenia (NCT01963598). The antibody has potential to treat both cachexia and muscle wasting arising from orthopedic disuse [1-2].
Mechanism Of Action and Pharmacodynamic Effects Click here for help
Myostatin as a key negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass, and inhibition of protein function is considered a useful strategy for improving muscle mass in muscle wasting conditions/diseases. Trevogrumab effectively antagonises myostatin function in preclinical testing [1].