ocrelizumab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 7580

Synonyms: 2H7 | Ocrevus® | PRO70769 | RG1594
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
ocrelizumab is an approved drug (FDA (2017), EMA (2018))
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Ocrelizumab is a humanized IgG1 anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, approved for relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) and primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). This is the first therapeutic to gain approval for both of these forms of MS. Ocrelizumab is a modified version of rituximab, developed as a substitute in response to expiration of rituximab patent protection.
The submission documentation for the antibody's INN application contains the peptide sequences for the heavy and light chains of the antibody. BLAST searches of patented peptide sequences reveals identical matches with peptides claimed in patent WO2004056312, which resolve to clones 2H7.v16 and 2H7.v31 [1].
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Immunopharmacology Comments
Like rituximab, clinical efficacy of ocrelizumab in MS patients is believed to be achieved through depletion of populations of both CD20 positive B and T cells [2,6].
Immunopharmacology Disease
Disease X-Refs Comment References
Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Disease Ontology: DOID:2378
Ocrelizumab is approved to treat RRMS.
Primary progressive multiple sclerosis Disease Ontology: DOID:0050784
Ocrelizumab is approved to treat PPMS.