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Sodium-dependent HCO3- transporters C

Unless otherwise stated all data on this page refer to the human proteins. Gene information is provided for human (Hs), mouse (Mm) and rat (Rn).


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NBCe1 (Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 / SLC4A4) C Show summary »

NBCe2 (Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 4 / SLC4A5) C Show summary »

NBCn1 (Electroneutral sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 / SLC4A7) C Show summary »

Target Id 910
Nomenclature Electroneutral sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1
Systematic nomenclature SLC4A7
Common abbreviation NBCn1
Previous and unofficial names NBC3 | Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3 | SBC2 | SLC4A6 | solute carrier family 4 member 7 | solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 7 | solute carrier family 4
Genes SLC4A7 (Hs), Slc4a7 (Mm), Slc4a7 (Rn)
Ensembl ID ENSG00000033867 (Hs), ENSMUSG00000021733 (Mm), ENSRNOG00000005957 (Rn)
UniProtKB AC Q9Y6M7 (Hs), Q8BTY2 (Mm), Q9R1N3 (Rn)
Bioparadigms SLC Tables SLC4A7 (Hs)
Endogenous substrates
Stoichiometry 1 Na+ : 1 HCO3- (out) or 1 Na+ : CO32*

NBCn2 (Electroneutral sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 2 / SLC4A10) C Show summary »

NDCBE (NBCBE / SLC4A8) C Show summary »

BTR1 (NaBC1 / SLC4A11) C Show summary »

How to cite this family page

Database page citation:

Sodium-dependent HCO3- transporters. Accessed on 27/10/2024. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY,

Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:

Alexander SPH, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie AA, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Davies JA et al. (2023) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Transporters. Br J Pharmacol. 180 Suppl 2:S374-469.