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Immunopharmacology Ligand target has curated data in GtoImmuPdb

Target id: 478

Nomenclature: P2X1

Family: P2X receptors

Gene and Protein Information Click here for help
Species TM AA Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name Reference
Human 2 399 17p13.2 P2RX1 purinergic receptor P2X 1 52
Mouse 2 399 11 45.09 cM P2rx1 purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 1 29
Rat 2 399 10q24 P2rx1 purinergic receptor P2X 1 51
Previous and Unofficial Names Click here for help
P2XR1 | P2X purinoceptor 1 | P2X1 receptor | Pdcd3 | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand gated ion channel, 1 | purinergic receptor P2X
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Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
ATP Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand is endogenous in the given species Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Agonist 7.3 pEC50 17
pEC50 7.3 (EC50 5.6x10-8 M) [17]
BzATP Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Full agonist - -
αβ-meATP Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Full agonist - -
L-βγ-meATP Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Full agonist - -
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Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
TNP-ATP Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Antagonist ~8.9 pIC50 58
pIC50 ~8.9 (IC50 ~1.3x10-9 M) [58]
Ip5I Small molecule or natural product Hs Antagonist ~8.5 pIC50 23
pIC50 ~8.5 (IC50 ~3.2x10-9 M) [23]
MRS2159 Small molecule or natural product Rn Antagonist ~8.0 pIC50 22
pIC50 ~8.0 (IC50 ~1x10-8 M) [22]
NF279 Small molecule or natural product Hs Antagonist 7.3 – 7.7 pIC50 24,41
pIC50 7.7 (IC50 1.99x10-8 M) [41]
pIC50 7.3 (IC50 5x10-8 M) [24]
NF023 Small molecule or natural product Hs Antagonist ~6.7 pIC50 48
pIC50 ~6.7 (IC50 ~2x10-7 M) [48]
NF449 Small molecule or natural product Hs Antagonist ~6.3 pIC50 20
pIC50 ~6.3 (IC50 ~5x10-7 M) [20]
suramin Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Rn Antagonist 6.0 pIC50 17
pIC50 6.0 (IC50 1x10-6 M) [17]
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Allosteric Modulators
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Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Concentration range (M) Voltage-dependent (mV) Reference
MRS 2219 Small molecule or natural product Hs Positive - - - no 18
Not voltage dependent
Immunopharmacology Comments
Functional P2X1 receptors are expressed by healthy human eosinophils [64]. In these cells P2X1 receptor activation is involved in αMβ2 integrin-dependent adhesion. Responses of eosinophils from asthmatic patients are reduced, potentially by increased extracellular nucleotide concentration as detected in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from patients with airway inflammations [10,15,30,42].
Cell Type Associations
Immuno Cell Type:  Granulocytes
Cell Ontology Term:   eosinophil (CL:0000771)
References:  64
Immuno Cell Type:  B cells
Comment:  Human B cells express all P2 receptor subtypes.
References:  40
Immuno Cell Type:  Mast cells
Cell Ontology Term:   mast cell (CL:0000097)
Comment:  P2XR1 and P2XR3 are expressed by mast cells.
References:  5,50
Immuno Cell Type:  T cells
Comment:  T cells express P2X receptors 1, 4 and 5. ATP-induced activation of these receptors in T cells is associated with proliferation, cytokine production and thymocyte apoptosis.
References:  5,50
Immuno Process Associations
Immuno Process:  Inflammation
Immuno Process:  Cellular signalling
Tissue Distribution Click here for help
Heart tissue.
Expression level:  Medium
Species:  Human
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, RT-PCR
References:  3,14,19
Smooth muscle; bladder, vas deferens, arteries
Expression level:  High
Species:  Human
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry, Northern blot, RT-PCR, Western Blot
References:  2,4,31,52,61
Blood cells; platelets, mast cells, lymphocytes
Expression level:  High
Species:  Human
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry, Western blot
References:  44,47,56,63
Macrophages, neutrophils, megakaryocytes/platelts, pancreatic beta cells
Expression level:  Medium
Species:  Mouse
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry, Knockouts
References:  27,45-46,57
Astrocytes, cerebellar granule neurons
Expression level:  Medium
Species:  Mouse
Technique:  RT-PCR
References:  25,49
Smooth muscle; vas deferens, bladder, arteries
Expression level:  High
Species:  Mouse
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry
References:  34,53-55
Smooth muscle; vas deferens, bladder, arteries, portal vein, myometrium
Expression level:  High
Species:  Rat
Technique:  Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation.
References:  6-7,21,28,33,35,51,59
Spinal cord, superior cervical ganalion, sensory ganglia, hippocampal neurons
Expression level:  Medium
Species:  Rat
Technique:  in situ hybridisation, RT-PCR
References:  6-7,21,28,33,35,43
Tissue Distribution Comments
The commonly used anti-P2X1 receptor antibody may not be selective in neuronal tissues [1] and so studies using this approach have not been included.
Physiological Functions Click here for help
P2X1 expressed on polymorphonuclear neutrophils and platelets is required for thrombosis in mice.
Species:  Mouse
References:  8
Exposure to the endotoxin LPS induces ATP signalling via P2X1 that causes inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro.
Species:  Human
Tissue:  Primary human neutrophils, differentiated HL-60 cells.
References:  62
Physiological Consequences of Altering Gene Expression Click here for help
Male infertility
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Vas deferens
Technique:  Knock out
References:  34
Reduced nerve evoked bladder contraction
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Urinary (bladder)
Technique:  Knock out
References:  53
Reduced nerve evoked artery contraction
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Mesenteric artery
Technique:  knock out
References:  26,55
Reduced kidney autoregulation of blood flow
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Kidney arterioles
Technique:  knock out
References:  16
Decreased mortality in thromboembolism models
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Platelets
Technique:  Knock out
References:  9,13
Increased mortality in thromboembolism models
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Platelets
Technique:  megakaryocyte specific over-expression
References:  38
Reduced ATP evoked P2X receptor currents in macrophages
Species:  Mouse
Tissue:  Macrophages
Technique:  Knock out
References:  46
P2X1 null mice show a markedly diminished pathological response to LPS challenge, likely caused by reduce chemotaxis of neutrophils from venules in to tissues.
Species:  Mouse
References:  27,32
Gene Expression and Pathophysiology Click here for help
Tissue or cell type:  Heart
Pathophysiology:  Congestive heart failure
Species:  Human
Technique:  RT-PCR
References:  14
Tissue or cell type:  Heart-atria
Pathophysiology:  Dilated cardiomyopathy
Species:  Human
Technique:  Western blot
References:  3
Tissue or cell type:  Shear stress
Pathophysiology:  Umbilical vein smooth muscle
Species:  Human
Technique:  RT-PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemistry
References:  60
Tissue or cell type:  Urinary-bladder
Pathophysiology:  Outlet obstruction
Species:  Human
Technique:  RT-PCR
References:  36
Gene Expression and Pathophysiology Comments
Eosinophils from asthmatic patients exhibit impaired P2X1 receptor-mediated adhesion [64].
Biologically Significant Variants Click here for help
Type:  Splice variant
Species:  Human
Description:  P2X1del (deletion:176-192)
References:  11
Type:  Splice variant
Species:  Human
Description:  P2X1del (deletion:346-379)
References:  12
Type:  Splice variant
Species:  Human
Description:  P2X1delL (deletion:353)
References:  39
Type:  Splice variant
Species:  Rat
Description:  P2X1a receptor isoform (deletion:175-201)
Amino acids:  372
Nucleotide accession: 
Protein accession: 
References:  37
General Comments
An alternatively spliced variant of the rat P2X1 subunit, provisionally termed p2X1a which lacks function as a homomer has been described [37]. An inactive, naturally occurring human mutant dominant negative P2X receptor has also been reported [39].


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61. Wang L, Karlsson L, Moses S, Hultgårdh-Nilsson A, Andersson M, Borna C, Gudbjartsson T, Jern S, Erlinge D. (2002) P2 receptor expression profiles in human vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 40 (6): 841-53. [PMID:12451317]

62. Wang X, Qin W, Xu X, Xiong Y, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Sun B. (2017) Endotoxin-induced autocrine ATP signaling inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis through enhancing myosin light chain phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114 (17): 4483-4488. [PMID:28396412]

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64. Wright A, Mahaut-Smith M, Symon F, Sylvius N, Ran S, Bafadhel M, Muessel M, Bradding P, Wardlaw A, Vial C. (2016) Impaired P2X1 Receptor-Mediated Adhesion in Eosinophils from Asthmatic Patients. J Immunol, 196 (12): 4877-84. [PMID:27183585]


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