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Unless otherwise stated all data on this page refer to the human proteins. Gene information is provided for human (Hs), mouse (Mm) and rat (Rn).
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More detailed introduction
Tachykinin receptors (provisional nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [18]) are activated by the endogenous peptides substance P (TAC1, P20366) (SP), neurokinin A (TAC1, P20366) (NKA; previously known as substance K, neurokinin α, neuromedin L), neurokinin B (TAC3, Q9UHF0) (NKB; previously known as neurokinin β, neuromedin K), neuropeptide K (TAC1, P20366) and neuropeptide γ (TAC1, P20366) (N-terminally extended forms of neurokinin A). The neurokinins (A and B) are mammalian members of the tachykinin family, which includes peptides of mammalian and nonmammalian origin containing the consensus sequence: Phe-x-Gly-Leu-Met. Marked species differences in in vitro pharmacology exist for all three receptors, in the context of nonpeptide ligands. Antagonists such as aprepitant and fosaprepitant were approved by FDA and EMA, in combination with other antiemetic agents, for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with emetogenic cancer chemotherapy.
NK1 receptor
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NK2 receptor
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NK3 receptor
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* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Marji EK, Hutcherson TC. (2024) Systematic review of neurokinin-3 receptor antagonists for the management of vasomotor symptoms of menopause. Menopause, 31 (4): 342-354. [PMID:38471077]
Commons KG. (2010) Neuronal pathways linking substance P to drug addiction and stress. Brain Res, 1314: 175-82. [PMID:19913520]
* Douglas SD, Leeman SE. (2011) Neurokinin-1 receptor: functional significance in the immune system in reference to selected infections and inflammation. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1217: 83-95. [PMID:21091716]
* Foord SM, Bonner TI, Neubig RR, Rosser EM, Pin JP, Davenport AP, Spedding M, Harmar AJ. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. XLVI. G protein-coupled receptor list. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (2): 279-88. [PMID:15914470]
Garcia-Recio S, Gascón P. (2015) Biological and Pharmacological Aspects of the NK1-Receptor. Biomed Res Int, 2015: 495704. [PMID:26421291]
* Jones S, Gibbins JM. (2008) The neurokinin 1 receptor: a potential new target for anti-platelet therapy?. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 8 (2): 114-9. [PMID:18296119]
Muñoz M, Coveñas R. (2016) Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists as antitumor drugs in gastrointestinal cancer: A new approach. Saudi J Gastroenterol, 22 (4): 260-8. [PMID:27488320]
Pantaleo N, Chadwick W, Park SS, Wang L, Zhou Y, Martin B, Maudsley S. (2010) The mammalian tachykinin ligand-receptor system: an emerging target for central neurological disorders. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets, 9 (5): 627-35. [PMID:20632965]
Rance NE, Krajewski SJ, Smith MA, Cholanian M, Dacks PA. (2010) Neurokinin B and the hypothalamic regulation of reproduction. Brain Res, 1364: 116-28. [PMID:20800582]
Rojas C, Slusher BS. (2012) Pharmacological mechanisms of 5-HT₃ and tachykinin NK₁ receptor antagonism to prevent chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Eur J Pharmacol, 684 (1-3): 1-7. [PMID:22425650]
* Steinhoff MS, von Mentzer B, Geppetti P, Pothoulakis C, Bunnett NW. (2014) Tachykinins and their receptors: contributions to physiological control and the mechanisms of disease. Physiol Rev, 94 (1): 265-301. [PMID:24382888]
Tuluc F, Lai JP, Kilpatrick LE, Evans DL, Douglas SD. (2009) Neurokinin 1 receptor isoforms and the control of innate immunity. Trends Immunol, 30 (6): 271-6. [PMID:19427266]
* Yin J, Chapman K, Clark LD, Shao Z, Borek D, Xu Q, Wang J, Rosenbaum DM. (2018) Crystal structure of the human NK1 tachykinin receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115 (52): 13264-13269. [PMID:30538204]
1. Anthes JC, Chapman RW, Richard C, Eckel S, Corboz M, Hey JA, Fernandez X, Greenfeder S, McLeod R, Sehring S et al.. (2002) SCH 206272: a potent, orally active tachykinin NK(1), NK(2), and NK(3) receptor antagonist. Eur J Pharmacol, 450 (2): 191-202. [PMID:12206858]
2. Bahouth SW, Musacchio JM. (1985) Specific binding of [3H]substance P to the rat submaxillary gland. The effects of ions and guanine nucleotides. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 234 (2): 326-36. [PMID:2410593]
3. Beaujouan JC, Saffroy M, Torrens Y, Glowinski J. (1997) Potency and selectivity of the tachykinin NK3 receptor antagonist SR 142801. Eur J Pharmacol, 319 (2-3): 307-16. [PMID:9042606]
4. Bellucci F, Carini F, Catalani C, Cucchi P, Lecci A, Meini S, Patacchini R, Quartara L, Ricci R, Tramontana M et al.. (2002) Pharmacological profile of the novel mammalian tachykinin, hemokinin 1. Br J Pharmacol, 135 (1): 266-74. [PMID:11786503]
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6. Beresford IJ, Sheldrick RL, Ball DI, Turpin MP, Walsh DM, Hawcock AB, Coleman RA, Hagan RM, Tyers MB. (1995) GR159897, a potent non-peptide antagonist at tachykinin NK2 receptors. Eur J Pharmacol, 272 (2-3): 241-8. [PMID:7713168]
7. Boden P, Eden JM, Hodgson J, Horwell DC, Hughes J, McKnight AT, Lewthwaite RA, Pritchard MC, Raphy J, Meecham K et al.. (1996) Use of a dipeptide chemical library in the development of non-peptide tachykinin NK3 receptor selective antagonists. J Med Chem, 39 (8): 1664-75. [PMID:8648606]
8. Bradshaw CG, Ceszkowski K, Turcatti G, Beresford IJ, Chollet A. (1994) Synthesis and characterization of selective fluorescent ligands for the neurokinin NK2 receptor. J Med Chem, 37 (13): 1991-5. [PMID:8027981]
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11. Chung FZ, Wu LH, Tian Y, Vartanian MA, Lee H, Bikker J, Humblet C, Pritchard MC, Raphy J, Suman-Chauhan N. (1995) Two classes of structurally different antagonists display similar species preference for the human tachykinin neurokinin3 receptor. Mol Pharmacol, 48 (4): 711-6. [PMID:7476898]
12. Cialdai C, Tramontana M, Patacchini R, Lecci A, Catalani C, Catalioto RM, Meini S, Valenti C, Altamura M, Giuliani S et al.. (2006) MEN15596, a novel nonpeptide tachykinin NK2 receptor antagonist. Eur J Pharmacol, 549 (1-3): 140-8. [PMID:16979621]
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18. Foord SM, Bonner TI, Neubig RR, Rosser EM, Pin JP, Davenport AP, Spedding M, Harmar AJ. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. XLVI. G protein-coupled receptor list. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (2): 279-88. [PMID:15914470]
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45. Yin J, Chapman K, Clark LD, Shao Z, Borek D, Xu Q, Wang J, Rosenbaum DM. (2018) Crystal structure of the human NK1 tachykinin receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115 (52): 13264-13269. [PMID:30538204]
Subcommittee members:
Steven D. Douglas (Chairperson)
Susan E. Leeman (Chairperson)
Christa Y. Heyward |
Other contributors:
Jeffrey Barrett
Brenden Canning
Joseph Coulson
Erin Dombrowsky
Tung M. Fong
Pranela Remeshwar |
Database page citation (select format):
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Kelly E, Mathie AA, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Davies JA et al. (2023) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: G protein-coupled receptors. Br J Pharmacol. 180 Suppl 2:S23-S144.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
The NK1 receptor has also been described to couple to G proteins other than Gq/11 [34]. The crystal structure of the human NK1 receptor in complex with antagonists has been determined [37,45]. The hexapeptide agonist septide appears to bind to an overlapping but non-identical site to substance P (TAC1, P20366) on the NK1 receptor. There are additional subtypes of tachykinin receptor; an orphan receptor (SwissProt P30098) with structural similarities to the NK3 receptor was found to respond to NKB when expressed in Xenopus oocytes or Chinese hamster ovary cells [14,30]. NK1 receptor antagonists affect cellular physiology including inflammation, apoptosis and cell trafficking and have a role in therapeutics [32,39].