tiagabine [Ligand Id: 4818] activity data from GtoPdb and ChEMBL

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ChEMBL ligand: CHEMBL1027 (A-70569-1, ABBOTT-70569, ABBOTT-70569-1, ABBOTT-705691 FREE BASE, ABBOTT-70569 FREE BASE, ABT-569, ABT-569 FREE BASE, Gabitril, NNC-05-0328, NNC-050328 FREE BASE, NO-05-0328, NO-050328 FREE BASE, Tiagabine)
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DB Assay description Assay Type Standard value Standard parameter Original value Original units Original parameter Reference
GAT1/GABA transporter 1 in Human (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL1903] [GtoPdb: 929] [UniProtKB: P30531]
ChEMBL Competitive inhibition of human GAT1 expressed in COS cells assessed as reduction in [2H6]GABA uptake by measuring [2H6]GABA Kd(app) at 1 uM preincubated for 25 mins followed by [2H6]GABA addition and measured after 4 mins by liquid scintillation counting method (Rvb = 28.3 +/- 1.5 nM) B 6.83 pKd 146.8 nM Kd J Med Chem (2018) 61: 10310-10332 [PMID:30376325]
ChEMBL Competitive inhibition of human GAT1 expressed in COS cells assessed as reduction in [2H6]GABA uptake by measuring [2H6]GABA Kd(app) at 100 nM preincubated for 25 mins followed by [2H6]GABA addition and measured after 4 mins by liquid scintillation counting method (Rvb = 28.3 +/- 1.5 nM) B 7.39 pKd 40.5 nM Kd J Med Chem (2018) 61: 10310-10332 [PMID:30376325]
ChEMBL Binding affinity to human GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells using NO71156 as unlabelled marker by LC-ESI-MS-MS based competitive MS binding assay B 7.32 pKi 47.86 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2015) 23: 1284-1306 [PMID:25698617]
ChEMBL Displacement of [3H]Tiagabine from human recombinant GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells by equilibrium binding assay B 7.77 pKi 16.98 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2011) 21: 602-605 [PMID:21134748]
ChEMBL Inhibition of human GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells by [3H]GABA uptake assay B 6.42 pIC50 380.19 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2015) 23: 1284-1306 [PMID:25698617]
ChEMBL Inhibition of GAT1 transport activity B 6.55 pIC50 280 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem Lett (2006) 16: 225-227 [PMID:16246548]
ChEMBL Inhibition of NO711 binding to human GAT1 expressed in COS cell membranes preincubated for 25 mins by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis B 6.81 pIC50 154.88 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2018) 61: 10310-10332 [PMID:30376325]
ChEMBL Inhibitory activity against human GABA transporter-1 (hGAT1) B 7.15 pIC50 70 nM IC50 J Med Chem (1994) 37: 2334-2342 [PMID:8057281]
GtoPdb - - 7.2 pIC50 70 nM IC50 Eur J Pharmacol (1994) 269: 219-24 [PMID:7851497]
GAT1/GABA transporter 1 in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL5445] [GtoPdb: 929] [UniProtKB: P31648]
ChEMBL Binding affinity to mouse GAT-1 expressed in HEK293 cells after 4 hrs in presence of NO711 by LC-ESI-MS/ms analysis B 7.26 pKi 54.95 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2019) 27: 1232-1245 [PMID:30777661]
ChEMBL Binding affinity to mouse GAT1 stably transfected in HEK293 cells by NO-711 binding assay B 7.41 pKi 38.9 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2013) 21: 5154-5167 [PMID:23859778]
ChEMBL Displacement of NO 711 from mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cell membranes after 40 mins by LC-ESI-MS-MS-based MS binding assay B 7.43 pKi 37.15 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2016) 24: 2072-2096 [PMID:27039250]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [2H10]NO 711 binding to mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cell membranes by mass spectrometric analysis B 7.43 pKi 37.15 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2018) 26: 3668-3687 [PMID:29886082]
ChEMBL Inhibition of NO711 binding to mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cell membranes assessed as reduction in NO711 binding at incubated for 4 hrs in presence of NO711 by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis relative to control B 7.43 pKi 37.15 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2019) 27: 2753-2763 [PMID:31097402]
ChEMBL Binding affinity to mouse GAT-1 expressed in human HEK293 cells assessed as inhibition constant in presence of NO711 marker by competitive binding assay B 7.43 pKi 37.15 nM Ki Eur J Med Chem (2022) 234: 114269-114269 [PMID:35306287]
ChEMBL Binding affinity to mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells using NO71156 as unlabelled marker by LC-ESI-MS-MS based competitive MS binding assay B 7.43 pKi 37.15 nM Ki Bioorg Med Chem (2015) 23: 1284-1306 [PMID:25698617]
ChEMBL Inhibition of NO711 binding to mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cell membranes assessed as residual binding preincubated for 4 hrs followed by NO711 addition and measured after 40 mins by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis B 7.56 pKi 27.54 nM Ki J Med Chem (2018) 61: 10310-10332 [PMID:30376325]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells after 3 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 6.1 pIC50 800 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2013) 56: 2160-2164 [PMID:23398473]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse mGAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake after 3 mins incubation by TopCount microplate scintillation counting analysis B 6.1 pIC50 800 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2015) 23: 2480-2488 [PMID:25882526]
ChEMBL Inhibition of GAT1 in mouse D8 cells assessed as [3H]GABA transport by liquid scintillation counting B 6.72 pIC50 191 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2009) 17: 6540-6546 [PMID:19703775]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT-1 expressed in human HEK293 cells assessed as inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2022) 234: 114269-114269 [PMID:35306287]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as reduction in [3H]GABA uptake preincubated for 25 mins followed by [3H]GABA addition and measured after 4 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2018) 61: 10310-10332 [PMID:30376325]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in human HEK293 cell line assessed as inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake measured after 40 mins by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2021) 221: 113512-113512 [PMID:34015586]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK cells B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2008) 43: 2404-2411 [PMID:18395300]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK cells assessed as inhibition of [3H]-GABA uptake after 25 mins by liquid scintillation counting analysis B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2013) 21: 3363-3378 [PMID:23598250]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1-mediated [3H]GABA uptake stably transfected in HEK293 cells B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2013) 21: 5154-5167 [PMID:23859778]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells by [3H]GABA uptake assay B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2015) 23: 1284-1306 [PMID:25698617]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as decrease in [3H]GABA uptake preincubated for 25 mins followed by [3H]GABA addition measured after 4 mins by liquid scintillation counter method B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2016) 124: 852-880 [PMID:27654218]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as decrease in [3H]GABA uptake B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2018) 26: 3668-3687 [PMID:29886082]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 assessed as reduction in GABA uptake B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2018) 61: 6211-6235 [PMID:29924931]
ChEMBL Inhibition of mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as reduction in [3H]GABA uptake preincubated for 25 mins followed by [3H]GABA addition and measured after 4 mins by liquid scintillation counting method B 6.88 pIC50 131.83 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2019) 27: 2753-2763 [PMID:31097402]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells after 25 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 7.15 pIC50 70 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2013) 56: 1323-1340 [PMID:23336362]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at mouse GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells after 25 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 7.2 pIC50 63.1 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2013) 56: 1323-1340 [PMID:23336362]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]NO711 binding to mouse GAT1 expressed in human HEK293 cell line by MS binding assay B 7.43 pIC50 37.15 nM IC50 Eur J Med Chem (2021) 221: 113512-113512 [PMID:34015586]
GAT1/GABA transporter 1 in Rat (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4054] [GtoPdb: 929] [UniProtKB: P23978]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Ser-133) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.53 pIC50 2920 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Ser-133) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.54 pIC50 2880 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Tyr-140) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.56 pIC50 2760 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Asn-137) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound B 5.57 pIC50 2720 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Thr-89) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM2 and compound B 5.57 pIC50 2680 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Asn-137) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound B 5.6 pIC50 2520 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Tyr-140) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.6 pIC50 2500 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Ser-133) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.67 pIC50 2140 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Asn-137) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound B 5.67 pIC50 2130 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Ser-133) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.67 pIC50 2120 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Tyr-140) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.73 pIC50 1870 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Thr-89) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM2 and compound B 5.75 pIC50 1790 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Asn-137) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound B 5.75 pIC50 1780 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL H-bonding interaction between amino acid residue (Tyr-140) of Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 1TM3 and compound was determined B 5.77 pIC50 1710 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2004) 47: 5620-5629 [PMID:15509161]
ChEMBL Inhibition of rat GAT1 expressed in HEK293 cells assessed as inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake by liquid scintillation counting B 6.19 pIC50 640 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2015) 58: 2149-2158 [PMID:25679268]
ChEMBL Inhibition of rat brain synaptosomes GAT1 assessed as inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake by liquid scintillation counting B 7.15 pIC50 70 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2015) 58: 2149-2158 [PMID:25679268]
ChEMBL Inhibition of GAT-1 in rat brain homogenate assessed as decrease in [3H]GABA uptake preincubated for 8 mins followed by [3H]GABA addition and measured after 8 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 7.15 pIC50 70 nM IC50 Bioorg Med Chem (2019) 27: 1232-1245 [PMID:30777661]
BGT1/GABA transporter 2 in Mouse (target type: SINGLE PROTEIN) [ChEMBL: CHEMBL4228] [GtoPdb: 932] [UniProtKB: P31651]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at GAT2 in mouse neurons after 3 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 6.44 pIC50 360 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2013) 56: 2160-2164 [PMID:23398473]
ChEMBL Inhibition of [3H]GABA uptake at GAT2 in mouse astrocytes after 3 mins by scintillation counting analysis B 6.74 pIC50 180 nM IC50 J Med Chem (2013) 56: 2160-2164 [PMID:23398473]

ChEMBL data shown on this page come from version 34:

Zdrazil B, Felix E, Hunter F, Manners EJ, Blackshaw J, Corbett S, de Veij M, Ioannidis H, Lopez DM, Mosquera JF, Magarinos MP, Bosc N, Arcila R, Kizilören T, Gaulton A, Bento AP, Adasme MF, Monecke P, Landrum GA, Leach AR. (2024). The ChEMBL Database in 2023: a drug discovery platform spanning multiple bioactivity data types and time periods. Nucleic Acids Res., 52(D1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkad1004. [EPMCID:10767899] [PMID:37933841]
Davies M, Nowotka M, Papadatos G, Dedman N, Gaulton A, Atkinson F, Bellis L, Overington JP. (2015) 'ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities.' Nucleic Acids Res., 43(W1). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv352. [EPMCID:25883136]