octreotide   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 2055

Synonyms: DRG-0115 | Mycapssa® | Sandostatin® | SMS 201,995
Approved drug
octreotide is an approved drug (FDA (1988), EMA (2022))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Octreotide is a somatostatin mimetic.
As with many peptide molecules there is ambiguity around representations of the stereochemistry of octreotide. The chemical structure shown here does not specifiy stereochemistry and so may differ from representations on other chemical information resources in the Database Links table.
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2D Structure
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Canonical SMILES NCCCCC1NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)C(CSSCC(NC(=O)C(NC1=O)C(O)C)C(=O)NC(C(O)C)CO)NC(=O)C(Cc1ccccc1)N)Cc1c[nH]c2c1cccc2
Isomeric SMILES NCCCCC1NC(=O)C(NC(=O)C(Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)C(CSSCC(NC(=O)C(NC1=O)C(O)C)C(=O)NC(C(O)C)CO)NC(=O)C(Cc1ccccc1)N)Cc1c[nH]c2c1cccc2
InChI InChI=1S/C49H66N10O10S2/c1-28(61)39(25-60)56-48(68)41-27-71-70-26-40(57-43(63)34(51)21-30-13-5-3-6-14-30)47(67)54-37(22-31-15-7-4-8-16-31)45(65)55-38(23-32-24-52-35-18-10-9-17-33(32)35)46(66)53-36(19-11-12-20-50)44(64)59-42(29(2)62)49(69)58-41/h3-10,13-18,24,28-29,34,36-42,52,60-62H,11-12,19-23,25-27,50-51H2,1-2H3,(H,53,66)(H,54,67)(H,55,65)(H,56,68)(H,57,63)(H,58,69)(H,59,64)
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Peptide
Approved drug? Yes (FDA (1988), EMA (2022))
IUPAC Name Click here for help
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
5656 octreotide
Synonyms Click here for help
DRG-0115 | Mycapssa® | Sandostatin® | SMS 201,995
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
GPCRdb Ligand octreotide
Other databases
BindingDB Ligand 50175592
CAS Registry No. 83150-76-9 (source: Scifinder)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL262746
DrugBank Ligand DB00104
GtoPdb PubChem SID 135652471
PubChem CID 383414
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey DEQANNDTNATYII-UHFFFAOYSA-N
Search Google for chemicals with the same backbone DEQANNDTNATYII
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UniChem Compound Search for chemical match using the InChIKey DEQANNDTNATYII-UHFFFAOYSA-N
UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey DEQANNDTNATYII-UHFFFAOYSA-N
Wikipedia Octreotide