[111In,90Y]DOTA-OC   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 2058

Synonyms: [3Y]DOTA-OC | [3Y]DOTA-octreotide | YIII-DOTA-OC [1]
 Ligand is labelled  Ligand is radioactive
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Synthetic peptide octreotide (SMS 201,995) conjugated with DOTA and labelled with yttrium (90Y) and indium (111In). The exact structure of this ligand is not specified in the reference. For the structures of DOTA and octreotide see the individual ligand pages.
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Classification Click here for help
Compound class Peptide
Synonyms Click here for help
[3Y]DOTA-OC | [3Y]DOTA-octreotide | YIII-DOTA-OC [1]
Database Links Click here for help
GtoPdb PubChem SID 135652642