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Unless otherwise stated all data on this page refer to the human proteins. Gene information is provided for human (Hs), mouse (Mm) and rat (Rn).
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More detailed introduction
The inhibitory glycine receptor (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Glycine Receptors) is a member of the Cys-loop superfamily of transmitter-gated ion channels that includes the GABAA, nicotinic acetylcholine and 5-HT3 receptors and Zn2+- activated channels. The glycine receptor is expressed either as a homo-pentamer of α subunits, or a complex of 4α and 1β subunits [38], that contains an intrinsic anion channel. Four differentially expressed isoforms of the α-subunit (α1-α4) and one variant of the β-subunit (β1, GLRB, P48167) have been identified by genomic and cDNA cloning. Further diversity originates from alternative splicing of the primary gene transcripts for α1 (α1INS and α1del), α2 (α2A and α2B), α3 (α3S and α3L) and β (βΔ7) subunits and by mRNA editing of the α2 and α3 subunit [4,21,26]. Both α2 splicing and α3 mRNA editing can produce subunits (i.e., α2B and α3P185L) with enhanced agonist sensitivity. Predominantly, the adult form of the receptor contains α1 (or α3) and β subunits whereas the immature form is mostly composed of only α2 subunits [19]. The α4 subunit is a pseudogene in humans [15]. High resolution molecular structures are available for α1 homomeric, α3 homomeric, and αβ hteromeric receptors in a variety of ligand-induced conformations [3,3,10-12,37]. As in other Cys-loop receptors, the orthosteric binding site for agonists and the competitive antagonist strychnine is formed at the interfaces between the subunits’ extracellular domains. Inclusion of the β-subunit in the pentameric glycine receptor contributes to agonist binding, reduces single channel conductance and alters pharmacology. The β-subunit also anchors the receptor, via an amphipathic sequence within the large intracellular loop region, to gephyrin. This a cytoskeletal attachment protein that binds to a number of subsynaptic proteins involved in cytoskeletal structure and thus clusters and anchors hetero-oligomeric receptors to the synapse [13,24]. G protein βγ subunits enhance the open state probability of native and recombinant glycine receptors by association with domains within the large intracellular loop [34-35]. Intracellular chloride concentration modulates the kinetics of native and recombinant glycine receptors [27]. Intracellular Ca2+ appears to increase native and recombinant glycine receptor affinity, prolonging channel open events, by a mechanism that does not involve phosphorylation [5]. Extracellular Zn2+ potentiates GlyR function at nanomolar concentrations [23]. and causes inhibition at higher micromolar concentrations (17).
Glycine Receptor (All subtypes)
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glycine receptor α1 subunit
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glycine receptor α2 subunit
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glycine receptor α3 subunit
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glycine receptor α4 subunit (pseudogene in humans)
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glycine receptor β subunit
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* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
Betz H, Laube B. (2006) Glycine receptors: recent insights into their structural organization and functional diversity. J Neurochem, 97 (6): 1600-10. [PMID:16805771]
Bowery NG, Smart TG. (2006) GABA and glycine as neurotransmitters: a brief history. Br J Pharmacol, 147 Suppl 1: S109-19. [PMID:16402094]
* Burgos CF, Yévenes GE, Aguayo LG. (2016) Structure and Pharmacologic Modulation of Inhibitory Glycine Receptors. Mol Pharmacol, 90 (3): 318-25. [PMID:27401877]
Callister RJ, Graham BA. (2010) Early history of glycine receptor biology in Mammalian spinal cord circuits. Front Mol Neurosci, 3: 13. [PMID:20577630]
Cascio M. (2004) Structure and function of the glycine receptor and related nicotinicoid receptors. J Biol Chem, 279 (19): 19383-6. [PMID:15023997]
Colquhoun D, Sivilotti LG. (2004) Function and structure in glycine receptors and some of their relatives. Trends Neurosci, 27 (6): 337-44. [PMID:15165738]
Dumoulin A, Triller A, Kneussel M. (2009) Cellular transport and membrane dynamics of the glycine receptor. Front Mol Neurosci, 2: 28. [PMID:20161805]
* Dutertre S, Becker CM, Betz H. (2012) Inhibitory glycine receptors: an update. J Biol Chem, 287 (48): 40216-23. [PMID:23038260]
Gilbert DF, Islam R, Lynagh T, Lynch JW, Webb TI. (2009) High Throughput Techniques for Discovering New Glycine Receptor Modulators and their Binding Sites. Front Mol Neurosci, 2: 17. [PMID:19949449]
Harvey RJ, Topf M, Harvey K, Rees MI. (2008) The genetics of hyperekplexia: more than startle!. Trends Genet, 24 (9): 439-47. [PMID:18707791]
Harvey VL, Caley A, Müller UC, Harvey RJ, Dickenson AH. (2009) A Selective Role for alpha3 Subunit Glycine Receptors in Inflammatory Pain. Front Mol Neurosci, 2: 14. [PMID:19915732]
Hernandes MS, Troncone LR. (2009) Glycine as a neurotransmitter in the forebrain: a short review. J Neural Transm, 116 (12): 1551-60. [PMID:19826900]
Kirsch J. (2006) Glycinergic transmission. Cell Tissue Res, 326 (2): 535-40. [PMID:16807723]
Kneussel M, Loebrich S. (2007) Trafficking and synaptic anchoring of ionotropic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. Biol Cell, 99 (6): 297-309. [PMID:17504238]
Laube B, Maksay G, Schemm R, Betz H. (2002) Modulation of glycine receptor function: a novel approach for therapeutic intervention at inhibitory synapses?. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 23 (11): 519-27. [PMID:12413807]
Legendre P. (2001) The glycinergic inhibitory synapse. Cell Mol Life Sci, 58 (5-6): 760-93. [PMID:11437237]
Lewis TM, Schofield PR. (1999) Structure-function relationships of the human glycine receptor: insights from hyperekplexia mutations. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 868: 681-4. [PMID:10414353]
Lobo IA, Harris RA. (2005) Sites of alcohol and volatile anesthetic action on glycine receptors. Int Rev Neurobiol, 65: 53-87. [PMID:16140053]
* Lynch JW. (2004) Molecular structure and function of the glycine receptor chloride channel. Physiol Rev, 84 (4): 1051-95. [PMID:15383648]
Lynch JW. (2009) Native glycine receptor subtypes and their physiological roles. Neuropharmacology, 56 (1): 303-9. [PMID:18721822]
Lynch JW, Callister RJ. (2006) Glycine receptors: a new therapeutic target in pain pathways. Curr Opin Investig Drugs, 7 (1): 48-53. [PMID:16425671]
Moss SJ, Smart TG. (2001) Constructing inhibitory synapses. Nat Rev Neurosci, 2 (4): 240-50. [PMID:11283747]
Nys M, Kesters D, Ulens C. (2013) Structural insights into Cys-loop receptor function and ligand recognition. Biochem Pharmacol, 86 (8): 1042-53. [PMID:23850718]
* Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Crawford DK, Alkana RL, Davies DL. (2010) Molecular targets and mechanisms for ethanol action in glycine receptors. Pharmacol Ther, 127 (1): 53-65. [PMID:20399807]
Schaefer N, Langlhofer G, Kluck CJ, Villmann C. (2013) Glycine receptor mouse mutants: model systems for human hyperekplexia. Br J Pharmacol, 170 (5): 933-52. [PMID:23941355]
Sivilotti LG. (2010) What single-channel analysis tells us of the activation mechanism of ligand-gated channels: the case of the glycine receptor. J Physiol (Lond.), 588 (Pt 1): 45-58. [PMID:19770192]
Tsetlin V, Kuzmin D, Kasheverov I. (2011) Assembly of nicotinic and other Cys-loop receptors. J Neurochem, 116 (5): 734-41. [PMID:21214570]
Webb TI, Lynch JW. (2007) Molecular pharmacology of the glycine receptor chloride channel. Curr Pharm Des, 13 (23): 2350-67. [PMID:17692006]
Xu TL, Gong N. (2010) Glycine and glycine receptor signaling in hippocampal neurons: diversity, function and regulation. Prog Neurobiol, 91 (4): 349-61. [PMID:20438799]
* Yevenes GE, Zeilhofer HU. (2011) Allosteric modulation of glycine receptors. Br J Pharmacol, 164 (2): 224-36. [PMID:21557733]
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2. Demir R, Leuwer M, de la Roche J, Krampfl K, Foadi N, Karst M, Dengler R, Haeseler G, Ahrens J. (2009) Modulation of glycine receptor function by the synthetic cannabinoid HU210. Pharmacology, 83 (5): 270-4. [PMID:19307742]
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7. Hibbs RE, Gouaux E. (2011) Principles of activation and permeation in an anion-selective Cys-loop receptor. Nature, 474 (7349): 54-60. [PMID:21572436]
8. Hirzel K, Müller U, Latal AT, Hülsmann S, Grudzinska J, Seeliger MW, Betz H, Laube B. (2006) Hyperekplexia phenotype of glycine receptor alpha1 subunit mutant mice identifies Zn(2+) as an essential endogenous modulator of glycinergic neurotransmission. Neuron, 52 (4): 679-90. [PMID:17114051]
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10. Huang X, Chen H, Michelsen K, Schneider S, Shaffer PL. (2015) Crystal structure of human glycine receptor-α3 bound to antagonist strychnine. Nature, 526 (7572): 277-80. [PMID:26416729]
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13. Kirsch J. (2006) Glycinergic transmission. Cell Tissue Res, 326 (2): 535-40. [PMID:16807723]
14. Laube B, Maksay G, Schemm R, Betz H. (2002) Modulation of glycine receptor function: a novel approach for therapeutic intervention at inhibitory synapses?. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 23 (11): 519-27. [PMID:12413807]
15. Leacock S, Syed P, James VM, Bode A, Kawakami K, Keramidas A, Suster M, Lynch JW, Harvey RJ. (2018) Structure/Function Studies of the α4 Subunit Reveal Evolutionary Loss of a GlyR Subtype Involved in Startle and Escape Responses. Front Mol Neurosci, 11: 23. [PMID:29445326]
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18. Maksay G, Laube B, Schemm R, Grudzinska J, Drwal M, Betz H. (2009) Different binding modes of tropeines mediating inhibition and potentiation of alpha1 glycine receptors. J Neurochem, 109 (6): 1725-32. [PMID:19383091]
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29. Webb TI, Lynch JW. (2007) Molecular pharmacology of the glycine receptor chloride channel. Curr Pharm Des, 13 (23): 2350-67. [PMID:17692006]
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32. Yang Z, Cromer BA, Harvey RJ, Parker MW, Lynch JW. (2007) A proposed structural basis for picrotoxinin and picrotin binding in the glycine receptor pore. J Neurochem, 103 (2): 580-9. [PMID:17714449]
33. Yevenes GE, Moraga-Cid G, Avila A, Guzmán L, Figueroa M, Peoples RW, Aguayo LG. (2010) Molecular requirements for ethanol differential allosteric modulation of glycine receptors based on selective Gbetagamma modulation. J Biol Chem, 285 (39): 30203-13. [PMID:20647311]
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36. Yevenes GE, Zeilhofer HU. (2011) Allosteric modulation of glycine receptors. Br J Pharmacol, 164 (2): 224-36. [PMID:21557733]
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38. Zhu H, Gouaux E. (2021) Architecture and assembly mechanism of native glycine receptors. Nature, 599 (7885): 513-517. [PMID:34555840]
Subcommittee members:
Joseph. W. Lynch (Chairperson)
Lucia G. Sivilotti
Trevor G. Smart |
Database page citation (select format):
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Mathie AA, Peters JA, Veale EL, Striessnig J, Kelly E, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Davies JA et al. (2023) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Ion channels. Br J Pharmacol. 180 Suppl 2:S145-S222.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Data in the table refer to homo-oligomeric assemblies of the α-subunit, significant changes introduced by co-expression of the β1 subunit are indicated in parenthesis. Not all glycine receptor ligands are listed within the table, but some that may be useful in distinguishing between glycine receptor isoforms are indicated (see detailed view pages for each subunit: α1, α2, α3, α4, β ). Pregnenolone sulphate, tropisetron and colchicine, for example, although not selective antagonists of glycine receptors, are included for this purpose. Strychnine is a potent and selective competitive glycine receptor antagonist with affinities in the range 5-15 nM. RU5135 demonstrates comparable potency, but additionally blocks GABAA receptors. There are conflicting reports concerning the ability of cannabinoids to inhibit [16], or potentiate and at high concentrations activate [1-2,6,30-31] glycine receptors. Nonetheless, cannabinoid analogues may hold promise in distinguishing between glycine receptor subtypes [31]. In addition, potentiation of glycine receptor activity by cannabinoids has been claimed to contribute to cannabis-induced analgesia relying on Ser296/307 (α1/α3) in M3 [30]. Several analogues of muscimol and piperidine act as agonists and antagonists of both glycine and GABAA receptors. Picrotoxin acts as an allosteric inhibitor that appears to bind within the pore, and shows strong selectivity towards homomeric receptors. While its components, picrotoxinin and picrotin, have equal potencies at α1 receptors, their potencies at α2 and α3 receptors differ modestly and may allow some distinction between different receptor types [32]. Binding of picrotoxin within the pore has been demonstrated in the crystal structure of the related C. elegans GluCl Cys-loop receptor [7]. In addition to the compounds listed in the table, numerous agents act as allosteric regulators of glycine receptors (comprehensively reviewed in [14,17,29,36]). Zn2+ acts through distinct binding sites of high- and low-affinity to allosterically enhance channel function at low (<10 µM) concentrations and inhibits responses at higher concentrations in a subunit selective manner [22]. The effect of Zn2+ is somewhat mimicked by Ni2+. Endogenous Zn2+ is essential for normal glycinergic neurotransmission mediated by α1 subunit-containing receptors [8]. Elevation of intracellular Ca2+ produces fast potentiation of glycine receptor-mediated responses. Dideoxyforskolin (4 µM) and tamoxifen (0.2–5 µM) both potentiate responses to low glycine concentrations (15 µM), but act as inhibitors at higher glycine concentrations (100 µM). Additional modulatory agents that enhance glycine receptor function include inhalational, and several intravenous general anaesthetics (e.g. minaxolone, propofol and pentobarbitone) and certain neurosteroids. Ethanol and higher order n-alcohols also enhance glycine receptor function although whether this occurs by a direct allosteric action at the receptor [20], or through βγ subunits [33] is debated. Recent crystal structures of the bacterial homologue, GLIC, have identified transmembrane binding pockets for both anaesthetics [25] and alcohols [9]. Solvents inhaled as drugs of abuse (e.g. toluene, 1-1-1-trichloroethane) may act at sites that overlap with those recognising alcohols and volatile anaesthetics to produce potentiation of glycine receptor function. The function of glycine receptors formed as homomeric complexes of α1 or α2 subunits, or hetero-oligomers of α1/β or α2/β subunits, is differentially affected by the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist tropisetron (ICS 205-930) which may evoke potentiation (which may occur within the femtomolar range at the homomeric glycine α1 receptor), or inhibition, depending upon the subunit composition of the receptor and the concentrations of the modulator and glycine employed. Potentiation and inhibition by tropeines involves different binding modes [18]. Additional tropeines, including atropine, modulate glycine receptor activity.