omilancor   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10363

Synonyms: analogue 7 [PMID: 27933891] | BT-11 | BT11 | Example 1 [US9556146B2]
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Omilancor (BT-11) is an orally active anti-inflammatory agent that operates as a LANCL2 pathway activator [3,7]. It is Example 1 as claimed in patent US9556146B2 [1]. The physicochemical properties of BT-11 suggest that it may offer a drug with minimal systemic distribution, and be more suited to local action in the acidic environment of the gut [6,8].
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 8
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 6
Topological polar surface area 123.76
Molecular weight 528.2
XLogP 3.07
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0
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Canonical SMILES O=C(c1cccc(n1)c1nc2c([nH]1)cccc2)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)c1cccc(n1)c1nc2c([nH]1)cccc2
Isomeric SMILES O=C(c1cccc(n1)c1nc2c([nH]1)cccc2)N1CCN(CC1)C(=O)c1cccc(n1)c1nc2c([nH]1)cccc2
InChI InChI=1S/C30H24N8O2/c39-29(25-13-5-11-23(31-25)27-33-19-7-1-2-8-20(19)34-27)37-15-17-38(18-16-37)30(40)26-14-6-12-24(32-26)28-35-21-9-3-4-10-22(21)36-28/h1-14H,15-18H2,(H,33,34)(H,35,36)
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Synthetic organic
IUPAC Name Click here for help
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
11629 omilancor
Synonyms Click here for help
analogue 7 [PMID: 27933891] | BT-11 | BT11 | Example 1 [US9556146B2]
Database Links Click here for help
BindingDB Ligand 50558735
CAS Registry No. 1912399-75-7 (source: WHO INN record)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL4788758
GtoPdb PubChem SID 384403643
PubChem CID 121299620
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey MVHWZNBAQIGPOQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N
Search Google for chemicals with the same backbone MVHWZNBAQIGPOQ
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UniChem Compound Search for chemical match using the InChIKey MVHWZNBAQIGPOQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N
UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey MVHWZNBAQIGPOQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N