sugemalimab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12342

Synonyms: Cejemly® (China) | CS-1001 | CS1001 | WBP-3155 | WBP3155
Approved drug
sugemalimab is an approved drug (China (2021))
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Sugemalimab is a fully human, high-affinity anti-programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) IgG4 monoclonal antibody. It is a checkpoint inhibitor class immuno therapeutic. In vitro, it competitively blocks the binding of human PD-L1 to PD-1 and CD80, and it induces T lymphocyte proliferation and enhances antitumour immunity [2].
1. Dhillon S, Duggan S. (2022)
Sugemalimab: First Approval.
Drugs, 82 (5): 593-599. [PMID:35298827]
2. Gong J, Cao J, Zhang Q, Xu N, Zhao Y, Xing B, Miao Z, Wu Y, Pan H, Gao Q et al.. (2022)
Safety, antitumor activity and biomarkers of sugemalimab in Chinese patients with advanced solid tumors or lymphomas: results from the first-in-human phase 1 trial.
Cancer Immunol Immunother, 71 (8): 1897-1908. [PMID:34984540]
3. Zhou Q, Chen M, Wu G, Chang JH, Jiang O, Cui JW, Han G, Lin Q, Fang J, Chen GY et al.. (2020)
GEMSTONE-301: a phase III clinical trial of CS1001 as consolidation therapy in patients with locally advanced/unresectable (stage III) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who did not have disease progression after prior concurrent/sequential chemoradiotherapy.
Transl Lung Cancer Res, 9 (5): 2008-2015. [PMID:33209620]