RhTx   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12544

Synonyms: Tau-scoloptoxin04-Sm1a
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: RhTx is a 27-amino-acid peptide from the venom of the Chinese red-headed centipede. It activates the nociceptor TRPV1, which evokes an acute pain response [1-2].
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1. Geron M, Hazan A, Priel A. (2017)
Animal Toxins Providing Insights into TRPV1 Activation Mechanism.
Toxins (Basel), 9 (10). [PMID:29035314]
2. Yang S, Yang F, Wei N, Hong J, Li B, Luo L, Rong M, Yarov-Yarovoy V, Zheng J, Wang K et al.. (2015)
A pain-inducing centipede toxin targets the heat activation machinery of nociceptor TRPV1.
Nat Commun, 6: 8297. [PMID:26420335]