NP137   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12848

Compound class: Antibody
Comment: NP137 (Netris Pharma) is a clinical lead anti-netrin 1 IgG1 monoclonal antibody [1]. It was developed as a novel anti-cancer therapeutic. The netrin 1 epitope recognised by NP137 is 90% homologous to the analogous region in netrin 3, suggesting cross-reactivity, and the potential for NP137 to be deployed against netrin 3-expressing tumours [2]. Antibody binding disrupts the netrin 1/UNC5B interaction.
1. Delcros J-G. (2015)
Novel anti-netrin-1 antibody.
Patent number: WO2015104360A1. Assignee: Netris Pharma. Priority date: 09/01/2015. Publication date: 16/07/2015.
2. Jiang S, Richaud M, Vieugué P, Rama N, Delcros JG, Siouda M, Sanada M, Redavid AR, Ducarouge B, Hervieu M et al.. (2021)
Targeting netrin-3 in small cell lung cancer and neuroblastoma.
EMBO Mol Med, 13 (4): e12878. [PMID:33719214]