efanesoctocog alfa   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13086

Synonyms: ALTUVIIIO® | BIVV-001 | BIVV001 | Fc-VWF-XTEN
Approved drug
efanesoctocog alfa is an approved drug (FDA (2023))
Comment: Efanesoctocog alfa (BIVV-001) is a recombinant protein that fuses factor VIII (FVIII) to a human IgG1 Fc domain. It was designed as a long-acting FVIII replacement therapy [4]. Pharmacodynamic effects of efanesoctocog alfa (clot formation) are identical to those elicited by recombinant FVIII [1].
1. Demers M, Aleman MM, Kistanova E, Peters R, Salas J, Seth Chhabra E. (2022)
Efanesoctocog alfa elicits functional clot formation that is indistinguishable to that of recombinant factor VIII.
J Thromb Haemost, 20 (7): 1674-1683. [PMID:35466511]
2. Keam SJ. (2023)
Efanesoctocog Alfa: First Approval.
Drugs, 83 (7): 633-638. [PMID:37022666]
3. Lissitchkov T, Willemze A, Jan C, Zilberstein M, Katragadda S. (2023)
Pharmacokinetics of recombinant factor VIII in adults with severe hemophilia A: fixed-sequence single-dose study of octocog alfa, rurioctocog alfa pegol, and efanesoctocog alfa.
Res Pract Thromb Haemost, 7 (4): 100176. [PMID:37538505]
4. Sarafanov AG. (2023)
Plasma Clearance of Coagulation Factor VIII and Extension of Its Half-Life for the Therapy of Hemophilia A: A Critical Review of the Current State of Research and Practice.
Int J Mol Sci, 24 (10). [PMID:37239930]
5. von Drygalski A, Chowdary P, Kulkarni R, Susen S, Konkle BA, Oldenburg J, Matino D, Klamroth R, Weyand AC, Jimenez-Yuste V et al.. (2023)
Efanesoctocog Alfa Prophylaxis for Patients with Severe Hemophilia A.
N Engl J Med, 388 (4): 310-318. [PMID:36720133]