ASIP [90-132 (L89Y)]   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 1327

Synonyms: agouti-signaling protein [90-132 (L89Y)] | agouti-signaling protein[90-132 (L89Y)]
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Synthetic analogue of human ASIP (agouti)
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1. Yang YK, Dickinson C, Lai YM, Li JY, Gantz I. (2001)
Functional properties of an agouti signaling protein variant and characteristics of its cognate radioligand.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 281 (6): R1877-86. [PMID:11705773]
2. Yang YK, Ollmann MM, Wilson BD, Dickinson C, Yamada T, Barsh GS, Gantz I. (1997)
Effects of recombinant agouti-signaling protein on melanocortin action.
Mol Endocrinol, 11 (3): 274-80. [PMID:9058374]