ATX-II   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 2614

Synonyms: anemonia viridis toxin 2 | Sea anemone toxin II (Anemonia sulcata) | toxin ATX-II
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: From Anemonia sulcata (Mediterranean snakelocks sea anemone)
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1. Chahine M, Plante E, Kallen RG. (1996)
Sea anemone toxin (ATX II) modulation of heart and skeletal muscle sodium channel alpha-subunits expressed in tsA201 cells.
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2. Oliveira JS, Redaelli E, Zaharenko AJ, Cassulini RR, Konno K, Pimenta DC, Freitas JC, Clare JJ, Wanke E. (2004)
Binding specificity of sea anemone toxins to Nav 1.1-1.6 sodium channels: unexpected contributions from differences in the IV/S3-S4 outer loop.
J Biol Chem, 279 (32): 33323-35. [PMID:15169781]