XCL2   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4370

Synonyms: C motif cytokine 2 | lymphotactin β
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Comment: XCL2 is a C subfamily chemokine, closely related to XCL1. It alternates between monomeric and dimeric states under physiological NaCl and temperature conditions. The monomeric form activates its G protein-coupled receptor XCR1, and the dimeric form is important for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) binding [1].
Species: Human
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1. Fox JC, Nakayama T, Tyler RC, Sander TL, Yoshie O, Volkman BF. (2015)
Structural and agonist properties of XCL2, the other member of the C-chemokine subfamily.
Cytokine, 71 (2): 302-11. [PMID:25497737]
2. Kim M, Rooper L, Xie J, Rayahin J, Burdette JE, Kajdacsy-Balla AA, Barbolina MV. (2012)
The lymphotactin receptor is expressed in epithelial ovarian carcinoma and contributes to cell migration and proliferation.
Mol Cancer Res, 10 (11): 1419-29. [PMID:22964431]
3. Yoshida T, Imai T, Kakizaki M, Nishimura M, Takagi S, Yoshie O. (1998)
Identification of single C motif-1/lymphotactin receptor XCR1.
J Biol Chem, 273 (26): 16551-4. [PMID:9632725]