europium-labelled INSL5   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4375

 Ligand is labelled
Comment: Europium-labelled INSL5 is a chemiluminescent probe analogue of human INSL5. It consists of the subunits INSL5 (A chain) and INSL5 (B chain). For details of the subunit amino acid sequences, please see their individual ligand entries.
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1. Haugaard-Kedström LM, Shabanpoor F, Hossain MA, Clark RJ, Ryan PJ, Craik DJ, Gundlach AL, Wade JD, Bathgate RA, Rosengren KJ. (2011)
Design, synthesis, and characterization of a single-chain peptide antagonist for the relaxin-3 receptor RXFP3.
J Am Chem Soc, 133 (13): 4965-74. [PMID:21384867]