anantin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4866

Compound class: Peptide
1. Weber W, Fischli W, Hochuli E, Kupfer E, Weibel EK. (1991)
Anantin--a peptide antagonist of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). I. Producing organism, fermentation, isolation and biological activity.
J Antibiot, 44 (2): 164-71. [PMID:1849131]
2. Wyss DF, Lahm HW, Manneberg M, Labhardt AM. (1991)
Anantin--a peptide antagonist of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). II. Determination of the primary sequence by NMR on the basis of proton assignments.
J Antibiot, 44 (2): 172-80. [PMID:1826288]