[Ga-DOTA,Tyr3,Thr8]octreotide   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 5632

Synonyms: Ga-DOTA-octreotate | Ga-DOTA-TATE | Ga-DOTATATE
Compound class: Peptide
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1. Antunes P, Ginj M, Zhang H, Waser B, Baum RP, Reubi JC, Maecke H. (2007)
Are radiogallium-labelled DOTA-conjugated somatostatin analogues superior to those labelled with other radiometals?.
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2. Reubi JC, Schär JC, Waser B, Wenger S, Heppeler A, Schmitt JS, Mäcke HR. (2000)
Affinity profiles for human somatostatin receptor subtypes SST1-SST5 of somatostatin radiotracers selected for scintigraphic and radiotherapeutic use.
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