α-latrotoxin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 5897

Abbreviated name: alpha-LTX
Synonyms: alpha-latrotoxin | alpha-latrotoxin-Lt1a | alpha-LTX-Lt1a
Comment: From the venom gland of the black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus). α-latrotoxin has been reported to bind to several human proteins that are likely to contribute to its toxicity [1-4]. It induces massive release of neurotransmitters from vertebrate nerve terminals and endocrine cells.
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1. Ichtchenko K, Bittner MA, Krasnoperov V, Little AR, Chepurny O, Holz RW, Petrenko AG. (1999)
A novel ubiquitously expressed alpha-latrotoxin receptor is a member of the CIRL family of G-protein-coupled receptors.
J Biol Chem, 274 (9): 5491-8. [PMID:10026162]
2. Krasnoperov VG, Bittner MA, Beavis R, Kuang Y, Salnikow KV, Chepurny OG, Little AR, Plotnikov AN, Wu D, Holz RW et al.. (1997)
alpha-Latrotoxin stimulates exocytosis by the interaction with a neuronal G-protein-coupled receptor.
Neuron, 18 (6): 925-37. [PMID:9208860]
3. Ushkaryov YA, Rohou A, Sugita S. (2008)
alpha-Latrotoxin and its receptors.
Handb Exp Pharmacol, (184): 171-206. [PMID:18064415]
4. Volynski KE, Capogna M, Ashton AC, Thomson D, Orlova EV, Manser CF, Ribchester RR, Ushkaryov YA. (2003)
Mutant alpha-latrotoxin (LTXN4C) does not form pores and causes secretion by receptor stimulation: this action does not require neurexins.
J Biol Chem, 278 (33): 31058-66. [PMID:12782639]