pegaptanib   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6836

Synonyms: EYEOO1 | Macugen® | NX183 | pegaptanib sodium
Approved drug
pegaptanib is an approved drug (FDA (2004), EMA (2006))
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Pegaptanib is a RNA oligonucleotide aptamer that cts as a vascular endothelial growth factor A antagonist, anti-angiogenic agent.
It is a 28-mer RNA aptamer that is covalently linked to two branched 20-kD polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains.
1. Gragoudas ES, Adamis AP, Cunningham Jr ET, Feinsod M, Guyer DR, VEGF Inhibition Study in Ocular Neovascularization Clinical Trial Group. (2004)
Pegaptanib for neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
N Engl J Med, 351 (27): 2805-16. [PMID:15625332]
2. Nimjee SM, Rusconi CP, Sullenger BA. (2005)
Aptamers: an emerging class of therapeutics.
Annu Rev Med, 56: 555-83. [PMID:15660527]