denileukin diftitox   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 7044

Synonyms: DAB389 IL2 | LY 335348 | Ontak®
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
denileukin diftitox is an approved drug (FDA (1999))
Comment: Denileukin diftitox is an anti-cancer drug. The drug is a recombinant protein containing peptide sequences of both interleukin-2 and diphtheria toxin [1,3].
1. Bacha P, Williams DP, Waters C, Williams JM, Murphy JR, Strom TB. (1988)
Interleukin 2 receptor-targeted cytotoxicity. Interleukin 2 receptor-mediated action of a diphtheria toxin-related interleukin 2 fusion protein.
J Exp Med, 167 (2): 612-22. [PMID:3126255]
2. Foley BT, Moehring JM, Moehring TJ. (1995)
Mutations in the elongation factor 2 gene which confer resistance to diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Genetic and biochemical analyses.
J Biol Chem, 270 (39): 23218-25. [PMID:7559470]
3. vanderSpek JC, Mindell JA, Finkelstein A, Murphy JR. (1993)
Structure/function analysis of the transmembrane domain of DAB389-interleukin-2, an interleukin-2 receptor-targeted fusion toxin. The amphipathic helical region of the transmembrane domain is essential for the efficient delivery of the catalytic domain to the cytosol of target cells.
J Biol Chem, 268 (16): 12077-82. [PMID:8505330]