chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4396

Synonyms: CG-beta | choriogonadotropin subunit beta | chorionic gonadotrophin chain beta
Species: Human
Is a component of
Peptide Sequence Click here for help
Post-translational Modification
N-linked glycosylation of asparagine residues at postions 13, 30, 121, 127, 132 and 138. Disulfide bons are formed between cysteine residues at positions 9 and 57; 23 and 72; 26 and 110; 34 and 88; 38 and 90 and 93 and 100. The choriogonadotropin beta subunit assembles with the common glycoprotein hormone alpha subunit to form the active hCG heterodimer