alpha1-proteinase inhibitor   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 7487

Synonyms: A1AT | A1PI | alpha 1-antitrypsin | Aralast® | Prolastin® | serum trypsin inhibitor
Approved drug
alpha1-proteinase inhibitor is an approved drug
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: This is the human protein isolated and purified from donor plasma. There are 4 approved versions (Prolastin-C [7], Zemaira [6], Aralast [4] and Glassia [5]), which show minor chemical differences as a result of the methods used during purification [2]. PEGylated recombinant alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor has been tested [1,3], but no recombinant protein drug as been approved to date.
US FDA approval dates: Prolastin-C (1987), Zemaira (2003), Aralast (2010) and Glassia (2010).
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Peptide
Approved drug? Yes
Approved drug? Yes.
Synonyms Click here for help
A1AT | A1PI | alpha 1-antitrypsin | Aralast® | Prolastin® | serum trypsin inhibitor
Database Links Click here for help
DrugBank Ligand DB00058
GtoPdb PubChem SID 187051790
Wikipedia Alpha 1-antitrypsin