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mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1

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Target not currently curated in GtoImmuPdb

Target id: 2062

Nomenclature: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1

Abbreviated Name: MEK1

Family: STE7 family

Gene and Protein Information Click here for help
Species TM AA Chromosomal Location Gene Symbol Gene Name Reference
Human - 393 15q22.31 MAP2K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
Mouse - 393 9 34.55 cM Map2k1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1
Rat - 393 8q24 Map2k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1
Previous and Unofficial Names Click here for help
dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 | ERK activator kinase 1 | MAP kinase kinase 1 | MAPKK1 | MKK1 | PRKMK1
Database Links Click here for help
ChEMBL Target
DrugBank Target
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Human Protein Atlas
KEGG Enzyme
RefSeq Nucleotide
RefSeq Protein
Selected 3D Structures Click here for help
Image of receptor 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Description:  X-ray structure of the human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MEK1) in a ternary complex with compound 1, ATP-GS AND MG2P
Resolution:  1.8Å
Species:  Human
References:  7
Image of receptor 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Description:  X-ray structure of the human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MEK1) complexed with a potent inhibitor RDEA119 and MgATP
PDB Id:  3E8N
Ligand:  refametinib
Resolution:  2.5Å
Species:  Human
References:  15
Image of receptor 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Description:  Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MEK1) in complex with CH4987655 and MgAMP-PNP.
Ligand:  CH4987655
Resolution:  2.8Å
Species:  Human
References:  14
Image of receptor 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Description:  Crystal Structure of the Human Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MEK 1) in complex with ligand and MgATP.
PDB Id:  3PP1
Ligand:  TAK-733
Resolution:  2.7Å
Species:  Human
References:  5
Enzyme Reaction Click here for help
EC Number:

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Key to terms and symbols View all chemical structures Click column headers to sort
Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
GDC-0623 Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition ~9.0 pKi 12
pKi ~9.0 (Ki ~1x10-9 M) [12]
Description: Measured in a fluorescence anisotropy assay using recombinant MEK1. Ki approximated from the graph in supplementary figure 1b.
trametinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 9.0 – 9.1 pIC50 9,26
pIC50 9.0 – 9.1 (IC50 9.2x10-10 – 7x10-10 M) [9,26]
Description: Inhibition of unphosphorylated MEK1.
MAP855 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibition 8.3 pIC50 18
pIC50 8.3 (IC50 5x10-9 M) [18]
Description: Inhibition of the MAP kinase pathway determined as inhibition of ERK phosphorylation in a TR-FRET assay
E6201 Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Inhibition 8.3 pIC50 10
pIC50 8.3 (IC50 5.2x10-9 M) [10]
CH4987655 Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 8.3 pIC50 14
pIC50 8.3 (IC50 5.2x10-9 M) [14]
zapnometinib Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibition 8.2 pIC50 21
pIC50 8.2 (IC50 5.73x10-9 M) [21]
mirdametinib Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 8.1 pIC50 11
pIC50 8.1 (IC50 7x10-9 M) [11]
MEK inhibitor I Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Inhibition 7.9 pIC50 24
pIC50 7.9 (IC50 1.2x10-8 M) [24]
BI-847325 Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 7.6 pIC50 20
pIC50 7.6 (IC50 2.5x10-8 M) [20]
avutometinib Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 6.8 pIC50 2
pIC50 6.8 (IC50 1.6x10-7 M) [2]
nedometinib Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibition 6.6 pIC50 16
pIC50 6.6 (IC50 2.46x10-7 M) [16]
MEK inhibitor II Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Inhibition 6.4 pIC50 6
pIC50 6.4 (IC50 3.8x10-7 M) [6]
MS432 Small molecule or natural product Click here for species-specific activity table Hs Inhibition 5.8 pIC50 23
pIC50 5.8 (IC50 1.5x10-6 M) [23]
Description: Determined in an in vitro biochemical assay, using a kinase-dead ERK mutant as the substrate for hMEK1.
Inhibitor Comments
Trametinib inhibits both MAP2K1 (MEK1) and MAP2K2 (MEK2).
Allosteric Modulators
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Ligand Sp. Action Value Parameter Reference
CI-1040 Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Hs Negative 6.9 pKd 4
pKd 6.9 (Kd 1.2x10-7 M) [4]
cobimetinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Negative 9.1 pIC50 19
pIC50 9.1 (IC50 9x10-10 M) [19]
Description: Biochemical assay measuring MEK-induced phosphorylation of ERK residues T202 and Y204.
TAK-733 Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibition 8.5 pIC50 5
pIC50 8.5 (IC50 3.2x10-9 M) [5]
binimetinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Negative 7.9 pIC50 17
pIC50 7.9 (IC50 1.2x10-8 M) [17]
selumetinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Primary target of this compound Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Negative 7.8 – 7.9 pIC50 13,27
pIC50 7.8 – 7.9 (IC50 1.41x10-8 – 1.2x10-8 M) [13,27]
refametinib Small molecule or natural product Primary target of this compound Click here for species-specific activity table Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Negative 7.7 pIC50 15
pIC50 7.7 (IC50 1.9x10-8 M) [15]
compound 3 [PMID: 31804822] Small molecule or natural product Hs Negative 7.0 pIC50 22
pIC50 7.0 (IC50 1x10-7 M) [22]
CI-1040 Small molecule or natural product Oc Negative 6.5 pIC50 3
pIC50 6.5 (IC50 3x10-7 M) [3]
DiscoveRx KINOMEscan® screen Click here for help
A screen of 72 inhibitors against 456 human kinases. Quantitative data were derived using DiscoveRx KINOMEscan® platform.
Reference: 4,25

Key to terms and symbols Click column headers to sort
Target used in screen: MEK1
Ligand Sp. Type Action Value Parameter
lestaurtinib Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 8.5 pKd
foretinib Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.9 pKd
neratinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.8 pKd
bosutinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Ligand has a PDB structure Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.7 pKd
staurosporine Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.7 pKd
PP-242 Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.3 pKd
SU-14813 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.1 pKd
selumetinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 7.0 pKd
CI-1040 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 6.9 pKd
sunitinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 6.9 pKd
Displaying the top 10 most potent ligands  View all ligands in screen »
EMD Millipore KinaseProfilerTM screen/Reaction Biology Kinase HotspotSM screen Click here for help
A screen profiling 158 kinase inhibitors (Calbiochem Protein Kinase Inhibitor Library I and II, catalogue numbers 539744 and 539745) for their inhibitory activity at 1µM and 10µM against 234 human recombinant kinases using the EMD Millipore KinaseProfilerTM service.

A screen profiling the inhibitory activity of 178 commercially available kinase inhibitors at 0.5µM against a panel of 300 recombinant protein kinases using the Reaction Biology Corporation Kinase HotspotSM platform.

Reference: 1,8

Key to terms and symbols Click column headers to sort
Target used in screen: MEK1/MEK1
Ligand Sp. Type Action % Activity remaining at 0.5µM % Activity remaining at 1µM % Activity remaining at 10µM
staurosporine Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 3.8 3.0 0.0
K-252a Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 23.6 0.0 0.0
SB 218078 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 29.5 40.0 51.0
SU11652 Small molecule or natural product Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 33.1 21.0 8.0
Syk inhibitor Small molecule or natural product Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 63.6 42.0 19.0
bosutinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Ligand has a PDB structure Immunopharmacology Ligand Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 65.3
sunitinib Small molecule or natural product Approved drug Ligand has a PDB structure Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 67.8
PD98059 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 69.1 103.0 111.0
p38 MAP kinase inhibitor Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 70.1 111.0 102.0
PD 169316 Small molecule or natural product Hs Inhibitor Inhibition 74.3 109.0 127.0
Displaying the top 10 most potent ligands  View all ligands in screen »
Immuno Process Associations
Immuno Process:  Immune system development
Clinically-Relevant Mutations and Pathophysiology Click here for help
Disease:  Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 3; CFC3
Synonyms: Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome [Orphanet: ORPHA1340]
OMIM: 615279
Orphanet: ORPHA1340


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How to cite this page

STE7 family: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1. Last modified on 11/08/2023. Accessed on 11/02/2025. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY,