cefazaflur   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10770

Synonyms: SK&F 59962
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Cefazaflur (SK&F 59962) is a semisynthetic first generation cephalosporin antibacterial [1]. It did not progress beyond preclinical development. Cefazaflur binds to and inactivates penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and thereby disrupts normal bacterial cell wall assembly.
2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 9
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 9
Topological polar surface area 206.21
Molecular weight 470.01
XLogP 1.17
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0
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Canonical SMILES O=C(N[C@@H]1C(=O)N2[C@@H]1SCC(=C2C(=O)O)CSc1nnnn1C)CSC(F)(F)F
Isomeric SMILES O=C(N[C@@H]1C(=O)N2[C@@H]1SCC(=C2C(=O)O)CSc1nnnn1C)CSC(F)(F)F
InChI InChI=1S/C13H13F3N6O4S3/c1-21-12(18-19-20-21)28-3-5-2-27-10-7(9(24)22(10)8(5)11(25)26)17-6(23)4-29-13(14,15)16/h7,10H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,17,23)(H,25,26)/t7-,10-/m1/s1
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Synthetic organic
IUPAC Name Click here for help
(6R,7R)-3-[(1-methyltetrazol-5-yl)sulfanylmethyl]-8-oxo-7-[[2-(trifluoromethylsulfanyl)acetyl]amino]-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
4099 cefazaflur
Synonyms Click here for help
SK&F 59962
Database Links Click here for help
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Antibiotic DB Antibiotic DB Database logo Cefazaflur, SKF 59962
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CAS Registry No. 58665-96-6 (source: WHO INN record)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL2110623
GtoPdb PubChem SID 405560211
PubChem CID 40240
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey HGXLJRWXCXSEJO-GMSGAONNSA-N
Search Google for chemicals with the same backbone HGXLJRWXCXSEJO
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UniChem Compound Search for chemical match using the InChIKey HGXLJRWXCXSEJO-GMSGAONNSA-N
UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey HGXLJRWXCXSEJO-GMSGAONNSA-N