cannabidiol   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4150

Abbreviated name: CBD
Synonyms: Epidiolex® | GWP42003-P | nabiximols (CBD + THC, fixed-dose oral spray) | Sativex® (CBD + THC, fixed-dose oral spray)
Approved drug PDB Ligand
cannabidiol is an approved drug (FDA (2018), EMA (2019), UK (2019))
Compound class: Natural product
Comment: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural extract from Cannabis plants (a 'cannabinoid'), which has recently been approved as a much needed therapy for the treatment of orphan pediatric epilepsy syndromes. It may also have benefit in schizophrenia or post-traumatic stress disorder. The major advantage of CBD over other cannabinoids such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is that it is devoid of psychotropic effects, whilst retaining analgesic, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial actions.
CBD is also commonly represented with the structure shown by CID 26346.
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 0
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 6
Topological polar surface area 40.46
Molecular weight 314.22
XLogP 6.8
No. Lipinski's rules broken 1
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Canonical SMILES CCCCCc1cc(O)c(c(c1)O)C1C=C(C)CCC1C(=C)C
Isomeric SMILES CCCCCc1cc(O)c(c(c1)O)[C@@H]1C=C(C)CC[C@H]1C(=C)C
InChI InChI=1S/C21H30O2/c1-5-6-7-8-16-12-19(22)21(20(23)13-16)18-11-15(4)9-10-17(18)14(2)3/h11-13,17-18,22-23H,2,5-10H2,1,3-4H3/t17-,18+/m0/s1
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Natural product
Approved drug? Yes (FDA (2018), EMA (2019), UK (2019))
IUPAC Name Click here for help
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
10423 cannabidiol
Synonyms Click here for help
Epidiolex® | GWP42003-P | nabiximols (CBD + THC, fixed-dose oral spray) | Sativex® (CBD + THC, fixed-dose oral spray)
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
GPCRdb Ligand cannabidiol
Other databases
CAS Registry No. 13956-29-1 (source: Scifinder)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL190461
DrugCentral Ligand 5288
GtoPdb PubChem SID 178100971
PubChem CID 644019
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey QHMBSVQNZZTUGM-ZWKOTPCHSA-N
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UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey QHMBSVQNZZTUGM-ZWKOTPCHSA-N
Wikipedia Cannabidiol