calpurbatug   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13036

Synonyms: TRL1068
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Calpurbatug is a fully human monoclonal antibody against members of the DNABII family of bacterial DNA-binding proteins [1-2]. It disrupts bacterial biofilms and is being developed by Trellis Bioscience as a potential treatment in prosthetic joint infections and in chronic rhinosinusitis.
Peptide sequence and structural information for this antibody are available from its IMGT/mAb-db record.
Bioactivity Comments
Calpurbatug demonstrates in vivo efficacy in murine models of acute biofilm infections including infected implants and infective endocarditis with Staphylococcus aureus [1], and infected catheter in soft tissue with Acinetobacter baumannii [2].