alefacept   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6787

Synonyms: Amevive® | BG 9273 | BG 9712 | BG-9273 | BG-9712 | Lfa3Tip
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
alefacept is an approved drug (FDA (2003))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: This is a fusion protein of the CD2 ligand (CD58/LFA3, lymphocyte function associated antigen 3) linked to the Fc domain of IgG1. The construct is called LFA3TIP in [2].
Bioactivity Comments
The Miller et al. (1993) article does not provide a calculated IC50 value for LFA3TIP's inhibition of the CD2/LFA-3 interaction [2]. The inhibition is assessed by measuring rosetting of Jurkat/human red blood cells (with an approximate IC50 of 1-5μg/ml of protein from graphical data in Figure 3a), or by measuring inhibition of induced T cell proliferation (with LFA3TIP inhibition at approximately 86%) [2].
Selectivity at other protein targets
Key to terms and symbols Click column headers to sort
Target Sp. Type Action Value Parameter Concentration range (M) Reference
CD2 Primary target of this compound Hs Fusion protein Inhibition - - - 1,3