NaHCO3   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4507

Synonyms: sodium bicarbonate | sodium hydrogen carbonate
Approved drug
NaHCO3 is an approved drug (FDA (1986, no prior history available))
Compound class: Inorganic
Comment: Sodium bicarbonate is an amphoteric buffering agent, with the ability to neutralise acids and bases.
No information available.
Summary of Clinical Use Click here for help
Used in the treatment of metabolic acidosis, occuring as a result of severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis.
Mechanism Of Action and Pharmacodynamic Effects Click here for help
Sodium bicarbonate reverses acidosis by increasing bicarbonate in the plasma, buffering excess hydrogen ion concentration and raising blood pH.