abagovomab   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 8265

Synonyms: ACA125 | MEN-2234
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Abagovomab is an anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody. The antibody is designed to functionally mimic the epithelial ovarian cancer antigen CA-125 (aka mucin 16: MUC16, Q8WXI7) [1,3,5].
Peptide sequence and structural information for this antibody are available from its IMGT/mAb-db record.
No information available.
Summary of Clinical Use Click here for help
In 2003 the FDA granted abagovomab orphan drug designation for the treatment of the epithelial ovarian cancer. Abagovomab is being assessed as a maintenance therapy for patients with advanced ovarian cancer, with the aim of prolonging the disease-free interval or preventing recurrence [6-7]. Phase 3 clinical trial NCT00418574 was terminated [2].
Mechanism Of Action and Pharmacodynamic Effects Click here for help
Introducing the anti-idiotype antibody to patients induces an immune response to the mimicked antigen, with the desired result being immune system-directed destruction of tumour cells expressing CA-125 [2]. Sabbatini et al (2013) report that although repeated administration of abagovomab induces the desired immune response, this does not increase recurrence-free survival (RFS) or overall survival (OS) [4] in ovarian cancer patients in first remission .
Clinical Trials
Clinical Trial ID Title Type Source Comment References
NCT00418574 Efficacy Multicentre Trial of ImmunoTherapy Vaccination With Abagovomab to Treat Ovarian Cancer Patients Phase 2/Phase 3 Interventional Menarini Group