EG3287   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 11290

Synonyms: VEGFA(138-165)
Comment: This peptide corresponds to the exon 7-encoded neuropilin-1-binding site of VEGF165 [1]. It induces tumour cell and endothelial cell apoptosis via binding to neuropilin 1.
The peptide sequence was claimed in Ark Therapeutics' patent WO2003082918A1 that was granted in 2003 [2], in which EG3287 is noted as being a bicyclic form of Ac-SCKNTDSRCKARQLELNERTCRCDKPRR.
1. Barr MP, Byrne AM, Duffy AM, Condron CM, Devocelle M, Harriott P, Bouchier-Hayes DJ, Harmey JH. (2005)
A peptide corresponding to the neuropilin-1-binding site on VEGF(165) induces apoptosis of neuropilin-1-expressing breast tumour cells.
Br J Cancer, 92 (2): 328-33. [PMID:15655556]
2. Selwood D, Löhr M, Zachary I. (2003)
Vegf peptides and their use.
Patent number: WO2003082918A1. Assignee: Ark Therapeutics Ltd.. Priority date: 02/04/2002. Publication date: 09/10/2003.