muscarinic toxin β   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 13152

Synonyms: Adrenergic toxin rho-elapitoxin-Dp1a | MTβ | rho-EPTX-Dp1a
Comment: Muscarinic toxin β is a snake venom component produced by the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis). It antagonises human adrenoceptors [1], but despite its name has only weak affinity for mammalian muscarinic receptors.
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1. Blanchet G, Upert G, Mourier G, Gilquin B, Gilles N, Servent D. (2013)
New α-adrenergic property for synthetic MTβ and CM-3 three-finger fold toxins from black mamba.
Toxicon, 75: 160-7. [PMID:23648423]