HS014   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 1321

Synonyms: HS 014
Compound class: Peptide
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1. Schiöth HB, Muceniece R, Mutulis F, Bouifrouri AA, Mutule I, Wikberg JE. (1999)
Further pharmacological characterization of the selective melanocortin 4 receptor antagonist HS014: comparison with SHU9119.
Neuropeptides, 33 (3): 191-6. [PMID:10657491]
2. Schiöth HB, Mutulis F, Muceniece R, Prusis P, Wikberg JE. (1998)
Discovery of novel melanocortin4 receptor selective MSH analogues.
Br J Pharmacol, 124 (1): 75-82. [PMID:9630346]
3. Skuladottir GV, Jonsson L, Skarphedinsson JO, Mutulis F, Muceniece R, Raine A, Mutule I, Helgason J, Prusis P, Wikberg JE et al.. (1999)
Long term orexigenic effect of a novel melanocortin 4 receptor selective antagonist.
Br J Pharmacol, 126 (1): 27-34. [PMID:10051117]