JNJ-7706621   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 5932

Synonyms: aurora kinase/Cdk inhibitor | JNJ7706621
PDB Ligand
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: JNJ-7706621 was originally identified as a pan-CDK and Aurora A/B kinase inhibitor [5]. JNJ-7706621 binding to the pseudo (JH2) kinase domain of Janus kinase 2 has been reported more recently [7]. This mechanism of JAK inhibition is viewed as offering a potentially novel pharmacological modality as an alternative to targeting the active kinase (JH1) domain and its ATP binding pocket.
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 8
Hydrogen bond donors 3
Rotatable bonds 5
Topological polar surface area 154.37
Molecular weight 394.07
XLogP 1.8
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4;

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Canonical SMILES Fc1cccc(c1C(=O)n1nc(nc1N)Nc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)N)F
Isomeric SMILES Fc1cccc(c1C(=O)n1nc(nc1N)Nc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)N)F
InChI InChI=1S/C15H12F2N6O3S/c16-10-2-1-3-11(17)12(10)13(24)23-14(18)21-15(22-23)20-8-4-6-9(7-5-8)27(19,25)26/h1-7H,(H2,19,25,26)(H3,18,20,21,22)

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4;

1. Anastassiadis T, Deacon SW, Devarajan K, Ma H, Peterson JR. (2011)
Comprehensive assay of kinase catalytic activity reveals features of kinase inhibitor selectivity.
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2. Gao Y, Davies SP, Augustin M, Woodward A, Patel UA, Kovelman R, Harvey KJ. (2013)
A broad activity screen in support of a chemogenomic map for kinase signalling research and drug discovery.
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3. Hammarén HM, Ungureanu D, Grisouard J, Skoda RC, Hubbard SR, Silvennoinen O. (2015)
ATP binding to the pseudokinase domain of JAK2 is critical for pathogenic activation.
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1-Acyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazole-3,5-diamine analogues as novel and potent anticancer cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors: synthesis and evaluation of biological activities.
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6. Liosi ME, Ippolito JA, Henry SP, Krimmer SG, Newton AS, Cutrona KJ, Olivarez RA, Mohanty J, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. (2022)
Insights on JAK2 Modulation by Potent, Selective, and Cell-Permeable Pseudokinase-Domain Ligands.
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7. Puleo DE, Kucera K, Hammarén HM, Ungureanu D, Newton AS, Silvennoinen O, Jorgensen WL, Schlessinger J. (2017)
Identification and Characterization of JAK2 Pseudokinase Domain Small Molecule Binders.
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