IFN-β1b (recombinant human)   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 8340

Synonyms: Betaferon® | Betaseron® | Extavia® | IFNb1b
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
IFN-β1b (recombinant human) is an approved drug (FDA (1993), EMA (1995))
Comment: Compared to the sequence of endogenous IFN-β, IFN-β1b has a Ser to Cys substitution at position 17, but does not retain the glycosylation site at Asn80. It also lacks the initiating Met. This recombinant peptide is produced in E.coli.
1. Freedman MS. (2014)
Evidence for the efficacy of interferon beta-1b in delaying the onset of clinically definite multiple sclerosis in individuals with clinically isolated syndrome.
Ther Adv Neurol Disord, 7 (6): 279-88. [PMID:25371710]
2. Marziniak M, Meuth S. (2014)
Current perspectives on interferon Beta-1b for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Adv Ther, 31 (9): 915-31. [PMID:25182864]