Orita-13   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 9985

Synonyms: compound 13 [PMID: 11170644]
PDB Ligand Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Orita-13 is a prototypical inhibitor of the tautomerase activity of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) [2].
2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 1
Hydrogen bond donors 3
Rotatable bonds 1
Topological polar surface area 90.9
Molecular weight 270.05
XLogP 3.49
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4; https://cdk.github.io/)

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Canonical SMILES Oc1ccc2c(c1)occ(c2=O)c1ccc(c(c1)O)O
Isomeric SMILES Oc1ccc2c(c1)occ(c2=O)c1ccc(c(c1)O)O
InChI InChI=1S/C15H10O5/c16-9-2-3-10-14(6-9)20-7-11(15(10)19)8-1-4-12(17)13(18)5-8/h1-7,16-18H

Generated using the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (Willighagen EL et al. Journal of Cheminformatics vol. 9:33. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0220-4; https://cdk.github.io/)

1. Cisneros JA, Robertson MJ, Valhondo M, Jorgensen WL. (2016)
Irregularities in enzyme assays: The case of macrophage migration inhibitory factor.
Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 26 (12): 2764-2767. [PMID:27156768]
2. Orita M, Yamamoto S, Katayama N, Aoki M, Takayama K, Yamagiwa Y, Seki N, Suzuki H, Kurihara H, Sakashita H et al.. (2001)
Coumarin and chromen-4-one analogues as tautomerase inhibitors of macrophage migration inhibitory factor: discovery and X-ray crystallography.
J Med Chem, 44 (4): 540-7. [PMID:11170644]