lonafarnib   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 8024

Synonyms: SCH 66336 | SCH-66336 | SCH66336 | Zokinvy®
Approved drug PDB Ligand
lonafarnib is an approved drug (FDA (2020), EMA (2022))
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Lonafarnib is an orally bioavailable molecule which inhibits farnesyl protein transferase, an enzyme that is responsible for catalysing the transfer of a 15-carbon isoprenoid group to a variety of cellular proteins including RAS [7].
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 6
Hydrogen bond donors 1
Rotatable bonds 5
Topological polar surface area 79.53
Molecular weight 636.05
XLogP 4.45
No. Lipinski's rules broken 0
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Canonical SMILES Clc1cc(Br)c2c(c1)CCc1c(C2C2CCN(CC2)C(=O)CC2CCN(CC2)C(=O)N)ncc(c1)Br
Isomeric SMILES Clc1cc(Br)c2c(c1)CCc1c([C@@H]2C2CCN(CC2)C(=O)CC2CCN(CC2)C(=O)N)ncc(c1)Br
InChI InChI=1S/C27H31Br2ClN4O2/c28-20-12-19-2-1-18-13-21(30)14-22(29)24(18)25(26(19)32-15-20)17-5-9-33(10-6-17)23(35)11-16-3-7-34(8-4-16)27(31)36/h12-17,25H,1-11H2,(H2,31,36)/t25-/m1/s1
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