pirazmonam   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 10844

Synonyms: compound 2 [PMID: 25658376] | SQ 83,360 | SQ-83360 | SQ83360
Compound class: Synthetic organic
Comment: Pirazmonam ia a siderophore monobactam type antibacterial, with activity against Gram-negative pathogens [1].
2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 17
Hydrogen bond donors 7
Rotatable bonds 14
Topological polar surface area 352.81
Molecular weight 684.1
XLogP 0.17
No. Lipinski's rules broken 2
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Canonical SMILES O=C(N1CC(C1=O)NC(=O)/C(=N\OC(C(=O)O)(C)C)/c1csc(n1)N)NS(=O)(=O)N1CCN(C1=O)NC(=O)c1[nH]cc(c(=O)c1)O
Isomeric SMILES O=C(N1CC(C1=O)NC(=O)/C(=N\OC(C(=O)O)(C)C)/c1csc(n1)N)NS(=O)(=O)N1CCN(C1=O)NC(=O)c1[nH]cc(c(=O)c1)O
InChI InChI=1S/C22H24N10O12S2/c1-22(2,18(38)39)44-28-14(11-8-45-19(23)26-11)16(36)25-10-7-30(17(10)37)20(40)29-46(42,43)32-4-3-31(21(32)41)27-15(35)9-5-12(33)13(34)6-24-9/h5-6,8,10,34H,3-4,7H2,1-2H3,(H2,23,26)(H,24,33)(H,25,36)(H,27,35)(H,29,40)(H,38,39)/b28-14-
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Synthetic organic
IUPAC Name Click here for help
2-[(Z)-[1-(2-amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)-2-[[1-[[3-[(5-hydroxy-4-oxo-1H-pyridine-2-carbonyl)amino]-2-oxoimidazolidin-1-yl]sulfonylcarbamoyl]-2-oxoazetidin-3-yl]amino]-2-oxoethylidene]amino]oxy-2-methylpropanoic acid
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
6206 pirazmonam
Synonyms Click here for help
compound 2 [PMID: 25658376] | SQ 83,360 | SQ-83360 | SQ83360
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
Antibiotic DB Antibiotic DB Database logo Pirazmonam
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CAS Registry No. 108319-07-9 (source: WHO INN record)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL2110757
GtoPdb PubChem SID 405560285
PubChem CID 6328646
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