adrenomedullin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 683

Abbreviated name: AM
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Comment: Adrenomedullin is 52 amino acid peptide which is mainly expressed in endothelial and smooth muscle cells. It acts as a vasodilatory peptide and it is known to regulate endothelial barrier function and vascular tone. Evidence from animal models indicates that it is a key player in the development of sepsis-associated hemodynamic and microcirculatory disorders.
Species: Human
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Immunopharmacology Comments
Adrenomed Ag are developing an anti-adrenomedullin monoclonal therapeutic (adrecizumab, HAM8101) for the treatment or prevention of septic shock and associated systemic inflammation [3,8]. Results from a first-in-human trial of adrecizumab in healthy subjects and during experimental human endotoxaemia (induced by endotoxin bolus administration) were reported in June 2018 by Geven et al. [4] (see clinical trial NCT03083171). Adrecizumab was found to be safe and well tolerated in human subjects, in the absence and presence of systemic inflammation, and the endotoxin-induced flu-like symptoms resolved more rapidly in response to adrecizumab administration.