[Ac-His1]PACAP-27   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 2263

Synonyms: [Ac-His1]pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide-27
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Synthetic analogue of PACAP-27
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1. Ciccarelli E, Svoboda M, De Neef P, Di Paolo E, Bollen A, Dubeaux C, Vilardaga JP, Waelbroeck M, Robberecht P. (1995)
Pharmacological properties of two recombinant splice variants of the PACAP type I receptor, transfected and stably expressed in CHO cells.
Eur J Pharmacol, 288 (3): 259-67. [PMID:7774670]